20 Survey Email Examples & Templates To Get Customer Insights

Written by: Chris Donald

Published on: 05-30-2023

Chris is Managing Partner at InboxArmy and has more than 25 years of experience in email marketing

Understanding your customer’s requirements and expectations ensures a smooth-sailing business. A survey Email is one of the most efficient ways to obtain this information. It can then be used to create experiences that match or surpass customer expectations.

At the same time, simply incorporating any sample survey without an established set of goals may not generate sufficient responses, regardless of how attractively you’ve designed it.

In a nutshell, surveys may be challenging even with their numerous benefits! 

If you’re considering implementing surveys but are unsure how to implement them, this post is for you. We’ve curated some inspiring email examples and templates to enable you to save time and effort and create surveys that are eye-catching.

But before digging deep, here is a quick roundup of the meaning and it’s significance 

What Is A Survey Email?

A survey email is a kind of email that is sent out to subscribers in order to obtain feedback, information, or opinions about a specific topic or product. It’s used for market research, getting customer insights, product development, and more. 

Survey emails generally contain questions about the topic of interest and a simple set of instructions on how the responses must be submitted. 

You can use online survey software to share a survey embedded in the email. Respondents can access this survey from their inbox at their convenience, complete it and then submit it. The responses are recorded in the survey tool database for further analysis.

For example, a home appliance brand wants customer feedback about a recently launched product. Since they already have the email addresses of customers who purchased the product registered in the organization’s database, email survey questions can be directly sent to these customers. 

The email approach facilitates timely feedback from a targeted audience that can be analyzed using web survey software.

Another option for implementing the survey is to have the responses emailed based on the approach chosen by the researcher. 

Advantages Of Email Surveys

Advantages Of Email Surveys_Banner

Email surveys are a reliable method for marketers to collate valuable customer insights and leverage them to make data-driven decisions. 

Some of the primary benefits of survey emails and their significance in effectively marketing your business or brand are as follows: 

Economical And Time-Saving: 

These emails are practical and cost-effective market research tools compared with other options.

Furthermore, you can leverage online survey tools to automate your survey sharing.

Accuracy And User-Friendliness: 

These emails do not involve a mediator in a survey response collection. For this reason, they have a very small margin of error than traditional methods.

Also, they can be easily set up and implemented. While crafting and sending surveys takes a couple of hours initially, there’s no additional learning curve. 

If you’re using an email survey platform, you do not need prior software coding knowledge to craft and send customized surveys. You can create the survey from scratch directly and send it via email. Alternatively, you can make it even more conveniently using the softwares ready-made survey templates.

Discreet And Non-Imposing: 

You can ask your customers for their valuable feedback without being pushy for a response. They are non-imposing, non-intrusive in nature. 

Furthermore, email lists with double opt-in capabilities enable customers to respond to email surveys at their convenience. At a time when GDPR and privacy concerns govern how we use, store, and process personal data, being non-intrusive matters significantly. 

Captures Attention:

When crafted well, compelling survey invitation emails will help you attract and sustain your customers’ interest. These emails give you a valuable opportunity to engage and, more importantly, educate your customers.

You can capture their attention with compelling email subject lines and go on to explain the purpose of your survey in the email body. This will inspire them to respond to the survey even if they are not in the habit of replying.


You have the flexibility to develop small surveys for immediate responses or create longer more in-depth surveys. The latter can be redirected to your landing pages to collect more detailed information.

Wider Audience Reach: 

They enable you to reach a more expansive audience. Leveraging online survey tools that help suit your business needs, you can develop and send your questionnaires or survey forms to thousands of subscribers in just a single click. 

Authentic Audiences: 

They are the response of your actual customers. Notably, your subscribers, in this case, are your customers who are already subscribed to receive your emails. 

Having already purchased and/or shown interest in your brand, they’ll likely be more keen to hear from you and share their feedback. In addition, a significant number of shoppers post their reviews based on their interactions with a brand. 

Enhances Response Rates: 

When created and designed to keep the customers’ needs central to the survey, a survey email will help facilitate greater engagement and boost response rates.

Nurtures Long-Term Customer Relationships: 

Engaging with customers and seeking their feedback in the post-sales phase will make your brand perceived as one that cares for its customers. 

Also, by making them an intrinsic part of your overall marketing strategy, you can strengthen customer relations by using the right brand tone, highlighting your brand mission, and nurturing trust. 

Survey Email Examples For Your Campaigns

Here are some survey email examples you can refer for your email campaigns as an inspiration and guidance.

Personalized Feedback Request 

Survey email example from shopify Witch catchy suject line


This personalized survey request from Shopify has a catchy headline, a simple message, and distinct CTAs. It personally addresses the recipient with a friendly tone, politely explains the purpose of seeking feedback, and mentions the timeline for submitting it. By informing them that it’s a short survey, the brand values its subscriber’s time and rewards their effort with a chance to win a lucky draw. 

Brief Anonymous Survey

Wirecutter's honest & transparent survey email


The notable aspect of this email survey from Wirecutter is its transparency. It explicitly states the responses to the brief survey will be kept anonymous. This subtly influences the respondents to provide honest feedback, as their identity will not be revealed. Furthermore, it reveals the purpose of the survey at the very outset, so subscribers clearly know what the survey is about. 

Tap On The Rating Scale

Dropbox srvey email with a 5 point rating scale


This Dropbox survey email includes a simple but effective interactive element- a 5-point rating scale clearly explained to ensure clarity. It is designed to enable the user to complete the review within the email rather than redirecting to a new page. The personalized request and use of interactive elements motivate a response, while the privacy policy mentioned in the email facilitates trust and confidence. 

3-Minute Survey

Uber's survey email


The email subject line of Uber’s email clearly conveys what the email is all about. The email message is concise and written in a friendly tone, using reader-friendly fonts. Notably, the message explicitly mentions the time its survey will take. This reassures readers that it won’t be a long, rambling survey and motivates busy customers to catch up on the survey at some point in the day. 

 An Upfront Incentive To Participate

handy email


Handy’s survey email inspires subscribers to engage with the email by highlighting a rather substantial 40% off at the very outset. In addition, the voting in-email capabilities make participating more convenient. The light-natured theme of the poll and the relatable visual is eventually linked to Handy’s specialist services with a distinct CTA to book a service. Overall an engaging email, which also encourages purchase/booking.

Witty Quiz Time 

A a witty copy Email from Skill Share


This unique survey from Skillshare uses a witty copy, an empathetic tone, and some clever, relatable visuals in the hero image to attract the attention of its survey. The in-email survey is visual-oriented and offers subscribers a unique experience in itself. In addition, it includes a quick quiz to help the recipient make an informed decision about the product while also providing the brand insights about its customers’ preferences. 

Mutual Benefit

Tailor Brands’ email


The eye-catching green makes Tailor Brands’ email stand out. The loudspeaker image accompanying the headline highlights the email’s purpose, while the sub-text announces the participation incentive. The message is polite, straightforward and assures readers the survey will not take long. The white/negative space enables the message to stand out, while the CTA in a contrasting color is hard to miss.


survey email invitation by mobility services provider Lyft


This survey email invitation by mobility services provider Lyft is designed to be short and sweet with a compelling headline in bold fonts, a two sentences-long email copy, one image, and a prominent CTA. It does not contain any sales message, nor does it include any offers. Instead, the white space in the email design creates harmony and balance and helps lead the reader from one element to the other.

Close-Ended Survey

amazon email


This quick, convenient, close-ended email survey from Amazon will enable customers to respond efficiently. The personalized subject line briefly mentions the email’s purpose, giving readers a clue about the contents. The clear image of the product and the different survey responses to select from are well-organized in the email. As a result, it’s. It’s more likely to facilitate a response than cluttered text-heavy email surveys.

Star-Rating Email Survey

after-sales email from Massdrop


This after-sales email from Massdrop will facilitate genuine responses from authentic customers. The straightforward subject line and minimalist approach of this email make it easy to comprehend and take action. In addition, the links to the product page and the product image alongside the stars enable the subscriber to recollect their experience using the product and allocate a star rating.

Use Of Real Images

Thompson Hotels’ email


Thompson Hotels’ email contains a stately, actual image of the hotel in the header – the picture of the rich, luxurious interiors serving as a reminder of the hotel property. The email message is personally addressed to the recipient by the general manager. The tone of the message is pleasant but more formal in nature. The CTA is clearly visible at the bottom of the message.

Dark Mode



The survey email invitation is designed in dark mode, and the visuals in the header reflect the theme of the survey. The header copy indicates the purpose of the email, while the body copy contains a thank you message and a simple request for feedback to complete the ‘less than 5-minute’ survey. The CTA is in dark mode too, but in a different font, attracting the reader’s attention.

Letter Style

Ritual Regular Email


This survey email invitation from Ritual is designed as a regular email. The message is personally addressed to the subscriber, and the body text is like a routine message. The tone is friendly yet persuasive, and the reader-friendly fonts make it a quick and convenient read. The only hint of color is the bright yellow CTA, inviting the reader to take the survey.

Survey With A PostScript Surprise

survey mail invitation from Typeform


This survey email invitation from Typeform is designed with a minimal copy seeking participation in a customer experience survey. The CTA is highlighted in the brand logo color and stands out. The unique aspect of this email is the PostScript (PS), announcing a surprise awaiting those participating in the survey. Flagged by a star emoji, it ensures that readers do not miss the offer.

Matching Logo And CTA

Simple and concise survey email example from Netflix


The matching logo and the CTA are the only hints of color on the page of this simple, concise email from Netflix. – The message is a straightforward request to participate in a survey, but the customer support, contact, and unsubscribe details in the following section are comprehensive. These details reflect the brand’s customer-centric approach and enable customers to participate in the survey confidently.

Comic Art Style

aesthetic comic illustration by robinhood


The aesthetic comic illustration in the header sparks the interest of the reader in this otherwise simple survey message. Using different font sizes and spacing helps emphasize essential points of the email copy, while the simple language and friendly tone make it a compelling read. The CTA is well-placed and incites the reader to engage with the brand.

Multi-Purpose Email

Bellroy Email


This email by Bellroy gets introduced as a survey email in the subject line, and it continues to be the central theme – the header copy highlights the benefits, setting the tone for the evaluation. The varying fonts accentuate the critical questions of the survey; the rating scale is well-explained and designed. However, the brand also invites customers to explore the product range and engage with the brand at a deeper level.

 Emotional Appeal

Withings Survey invitation


This survey invitation by a consumer electronics company Withings effectively plays the emotional card in its survey email subject lines and headlines. The survey appeals to participation in the community’s larger interest, thus subtly compelling the subscribers’ participation. The emotional appeal and caring tone of the email are complemented by a more personal CTA – ‘I’ll Participate’ – which inspires the reader to click on it.

Dual Survey 

Withinggs feedback seeking survey email


This email contains two unique surveys – the first is an invitation to share expert feedback based on product usage, and the second is a smiley-face survey seeking feedback on the email. While the first CTA is aimed at product enhancement, the second survey focuses on obtaining customer insights on the email content and design, which can be used to enhance future emails.

Re-Engagement Survey

Scoot email


This example is unique because it seeks to leverage customer feedback surveys to re-engage subscribers who have stopped using the company’s products and services for some time. The relatable image in the header is followed by a headline seeking to engage the erstwhile customer. The personalized message and CTA also gently push the re-engagement agenda, using the survey approach to obtain customer insights and improve customer experience.

12 Survey Email Templates

12 Survey Email Templates_Banner

The first step to ensuring your customers will be motivated to take the survey and – more importantly – complete it is by crafting an email survey that relates to their needs. 

It should be concise, transparent, and persuasive. Wherever possible, try to offer an incentive or token of appreciation. 

Have a look at some of the following email templates you can implement when sending your email marketing questionnaire to your customers. 

1) Template For A Post-Purchase Customer Satisfaction Survey Email

Subject line: Tell us more about your experience with us.

Hi [Subscriber],

While we at [Company Name] strive to offer our customers the best service and products, we’d love to hear about your recent purchase experience with us. 

To ensure we’re meeting your expectations and to improve further, we’ve prepared a short survey to obtain your feedback. It will take you only [Number] minutes to complete by clicking on the link below. 

Link to the survey: [Insert Link]

Your response is entirely confidential. Plus, it enters you into a drawing for a lucky chance to win one of five $[Amount] gift cards! 

For any further queries or concerns that you may have, we’ll be happy to help. Please contact us at [Contact Information]. Thank you for your valuable time. 

Best Wishes,

[Your Name]

[Company Name]

2) Survey Email Template For A Gentle Reminder Or Follow-Up 

Subject line: You still have time to take our survey and win a $40 voucher

Dear [Name],

Last week, we invited your participation in our survey. We’re just reaching out to see if you’ve been able to take the new survey yet. 

It would help us enhance the quality of our product/service if you could spare [Number] minutes to answer our questions.

P.S. You’ll probably remember we’ve promised a bonus voucher for our survey participants – another great reason to participate!

Thank you in advance for your valuable time and participation.


[Brand] team

3) Survey Email Template For An Urgency

Subject line: Don’t miss the chance to voice your opinion! 

Hi [Name], 

We at [Company Name] would love to hear from you to understand our customers’ needs better! So, participate in our survey, and we’ll use your feedback to improve our [Products/Services]. 

However, we’re short on time! The survey will be open only until [Date], so we urge you to complete it at the earliest. It will take just [Time] of your time. 

Please click the link below to participate: 

[Survey Link] 

Thanks a lot for your valuable time and feedback

Best, [Your Name]

4) Template Invoking A Sense Of Community When Seeking Feedback

Subject line: Welcome to our community, [customer’s name]!

At [Company/Organization], every member of our community is important to us – we wouldn’t be able to do what we do if it weren’t for you.

As you’re one of the newest members of our community, we’d like to ask you to give us about [number] minutes and participate in a short survey. 

Your feedback will enable us to understand better what you like or don’t like about our [product or service] and help us better serve you and our community.

[Insert Survey Link]

Thanks for your time in sharing your feedback!

Best regards,

[Company Name/Spokesperson]

5) Template For Event Feedback

Subject line: Tell us if our [Name of Event] was helpful to you

Dear [Name],

It was great seeing you attend our event. Please tell us if it was interesting and helpful for you. Also, did the event meet your expectations?

Your valuable input will help us make our future events even more memorable! It will take just [Number] minutes. 

[Insert ‘Take the Survey’ CTA]

As a token of our appreciation, a [Amount] discount for participating in our next event will be emailed to you upon submitting your feedback 

Best regards,

[Brand] team

6) Survey Invitation Email For NPS (Net Promotion Score) 

Subject line: Today is your day to judge us

Hey [Name],

Your feedback matters a lot, and we want to provide you with a delightful experience with [Company Name]. That’s why we’re asking for your help by participating in our quick one-question survey.

Please rate us between 0-10 (0 being least likely and 10 being likely). Your valuable input will enable us to understand how likely you are to recommend [Company Name] to others. 

Just click on the link below; this should take you under 1 minute:

Link to the survey: [Insert Link]


[Brand] team

7) Survey Email To Enhance A Specific Aspect Of Your Business 

Subject line: We need your help to improve!

Dear [Name],

We noticed that our [Pain point] needs to improve further. So, therefore, we’re asking for your feedback about our [Survey Topic, for instance, ecommerce marketplace]. 

Your feedback will help us implement changes that will help us to implement the necessary steps to resolve issues and provide you with a top-notch customer experience.

Complete this [Number}-minute survey and get [Amount%] off on your next purchase at our online store! 

[Insert ‘Take the Survey’ CTA]

Thank you for your time helping us — it’s truly an invaluable gift!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Company Name]

8) Survey Email For A New Subscriber Feedback 

Subject line: Welcome to the [company name] family!

Dear [Name],

We’re delighted to have you join our [Company Name] family and know that you’re interested in [Newsletter Topics] just like us. 

We always want our subscribers to get the most out of your newsletters, including the most updated information in the industry.

Please participate in this [Number]-minute survey. Your feedback and responses will help our team will be able to curate even more exciting and helpful material for you.

[Insert ‘Take the Survey’ CTA]

And thanks again for letting us get into your inbox!


[Brand] team

9) Survey Email Template For An Embedded Questionnaire 

Subject line: The quickest way to share your opinion


Dear [Name],

Today we’re hoping you could share your feedback about our [Product/Service] so that we are able to make further improvements. 

To make it convenient for you – and quick, too — you don’t even need to leave this page!

Simply choose any one of the options listed in the form below. Then, click on a suitable option, and let our email service take over.

[Option A]

[Option B]

[Option C]

We are delighted you are with us and always willing to help the team!

Thank you,

[Insert Company Name/Spokesperson]

10) Template For A Customer Satisfaction Email After The Trial Period Is Over

Subject line: Did you like your period with us? Share your opinion!

Hi [Name],

Wow, It’s almost 30 days that you’ve been with us! We are thrilled you chose our [Product/service] to [Main benefit]. So, we’d love to hear how this trial period went.

Please answer a few questions in our [Number]-minute survey. It will help us understand if you really got to know the [Product/service] or if you found anything missing. We always want to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations, starting from the trial period.

[Insert ‘Take the Survey’ CTA]

We are happy you selected us and hope our association will continue!

Best regards,

[Brand] team

11) Template For Survey Email After A Visit To The Retail Store

Subject line: Did you enjoy your visit to [Store Name]?

Hey [Name],

We were thrilled to see you visit our [Store Name and Location]. We hope it was a pleasant visit and you could buy whatever you needed. Our customers’ opinions mean a lot, so please share your impressions.

Filling out this short survey about your in-store experience will enable us further enhance our merchandise and services in the future. 

[Insert ‘Take the Survey’ CTA]

We are readying a delightful bonus for completing our survey and look forward to seeing you at our store again soon!


[Brand] team

12) Survey Email Template To Obtain Feedback From A Loyal Customer 

Subject line: [Customer First Name], you can help us decide how to proceed.

Dear [Name],

You’ve been with [Company Name] for a long time. And, as one of our most loyal customers, we trust you’ll have excellent insight into what makes our [Product or Service] unique.

We’d like your suggestions to help us determine where to go next. By filling out our quick [Number] minute customer satisfaction survey, you can help us continue to improve the [Product or Service] you know and trust.

We appreciate you taking the time to help us improve.

Best regards,

[Brand] team

Best Time To Send Survey Emails

The following response data is collated by a leading cloud-based survey solutions provider. The findings are based on a study across 100,000 surveys to understand the impact on response rates of sending out surveys on Monday vs. Friday (or other days of the week).

  • Survey invites sent on Mondays recorded the highest response for survey invitations. 
  • Surveys sent on Fridays recorded the lowest response.
  • For internal surveys, the response rates were significantly higher when invitations were sent on Mondays compared to those sent between Tuesdays and Fridays.

Survey Email Subject Lines 

The art of crafting perfect survey email subject lines is not all that different from creating regular subject lines. For starters, they both need to be able to capture the subscriber’s attention and get them to click on it. However, as mentioned earlier, they need to be persuasive but non-imposing. 

So, before you start coming up with witty subject lines, you need to outline the expected response from your survey. For example, you might be conducting a survey measuring customer satisfaction levels. Or, you might be collecting post-purchase feedback to improve your product. 

Survey Email Subject Lines To Inspire You 

Survey Email Subject Lines_Banner

Here’s a small compilation of subject lines that covers different scenarios like post-purchase feedback, product improvement, and generic survey subject lines. Another thing you’ll notice is the usage of discount codes and offers to incentivize the survey collections process for a better response rate. 

  • Your feedback = Rewards! 
  • Improve with us!
  • Share your opinion in our survey.
  • Help us grow! 
  • Got a few minutes?
  • Be honest- Did you like our product?
  • We want to know more. 
  • Tell us your thoughts!
  • Get rewarded for your feedback. 
  • Complete our survey and get a discount coupon of 20%
  • Your satisfaction matters! 
  • VIP benefits await! Participate in our quick survey.
  • Complete our survey now and get early access to sales. 


Survey emails are an excellent medium for reaching out to your customers and subscriber base for obtaining actionable insights and data.

We trust you’re now good to get started on crafting your survey. The examples and templates in this article will help you create interesting surveys to which your customers will respond. 

As your confidence increases and you experiment with various design styles, you’ll soon see more results rolling in. Nonetheless, closely monitor what works and what doesn’t. 

If you still feel more comfortable leaving it to the experts, InboxArmy can help. We are one of the top mail marketing agencies in the USA that can help you to create and deliver the perfect emails to your contacts’ inboxes.

About Author

Chris sent his first email campaign in 1995. He’s worked directly with Fortune 500 companies, retail giants, nonprofits, SMBs and government agencies in all facets of their email marketing and marketing automation programs. He’s also a BIG baseball fan, loves a good steak, and is mildly obsessed with zombie movies. For more information follow him on linkedin

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