Klaviyo vs. Iterable Comparison

Written by: Garin Hobbs

Published on: 06-24-2024

Klaviyo and Iterable are powerful email marketing platforms that allow advanced segmentation, automation, and analytics. However, they’re each designed to appeal to different audiences. As a result, it can be hard to tell which is ideal for your specific business goals and needs.

To make your decision easier, we’ve created this detailed comparison of the two tools. We’ve tested all of the key features and reviewed them side-by-side so that you can see which is best for which purpose.

Klaviyo is ideal for eCommerce businesses looking for advanced email marketing, segmentation, and analytics
Iterable suits mostly the B2C businesses in industries like fintech, retail, travel, and consumer apps.

We’ll also take you through the pricing, customer support, and user reviews for both platforms.

Klaviyo Vs Iterable: Overall Comparison

Feature Klaviyo Iterable
Focus eCommerce B2C businesses (fintech, travel, etc.)
Price Starts at $20 per month (email only) Starts at $500 per month
Free Plan Yes, and it’s fairly generous. No
Email Design Drag-and-drop editor, HTML editor, and pre-built templates. Drag-and-drop editor, HTML editor, and fewer pre-built templates.
Automation Pre-built workflows and triggers based on various customer data points. Fewer pre-built workflows and triggers based on various customer data points.
Segmentation Advanced, granular segmentation based on data like purchase history. Advanced, granular segmentation based on data like purchase history.
Analytics User-friendly analytics dashboard with built-in predictive analytics. Comprehensive analytics including predictive analytics, but a steeper learning curve.
Integrations Hundreds, including Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento. Native integrations with Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento, plus other non-eCommerce apps.
Customer Support Email, phone, live chat, and AI chatbot support for paid plans. Email, live chat, and AI chatbot support for paid plans but no phone support.
Onboarding Comprehensive knowledge hub and personal consultants. A large volume of online training resources.

Which Businesses Should Choose Klaviyo?

Klaviyo is best suited to eCommerce business owners looking for advanced email marketing automation, segmentation, and in-depth analytics.

It’s by no means a simple tool, but it’s easier to get the hang of than Iterable. As a result, we’d say it’s a better option for relative beginners with little previous marketing experience.

Not sure where to start with Klaviyo? Let InboxArmy’s Klaviyo experts handle it all for you. We’ll take care of your email campaigns from start to finish, and formulate a winning strategy.

Which Businesses Should Choose Iterable?

Iterable’s appeal is broader than Klaviyo’s. While eCommerce business owners may still find it useful, it’s primarily designed for B2C businesses in industries like fintech, retail, travel, and consumer apps.

We also found the user interface to be fairly complex and, for this reason, it’s not a great choice for beginners. Still, if you want to segment and automate your marketing campaigns across multiple channels, Iterable might be the tool for you.

Iterable’s complex interface getting you down? Don’t worry, InboxArmy’s Iterable experts will get the job done for you. We’ll use Iterable to build a bespoke email marketing campaign that keeps your subscribers engaged and increases your conversions.

Klaviyo Vs Iterable: Features Comparison

The main thing you need to consider when choosing an email marketing tool is its features. So, we’ve compared Klaviyo and Iterable’s best features to help you decide.

Email design & templates

who has better email design either klaviyo or iterbale?

The first step in any email marketing strategy is designing engaging, eye-catching emails. This means it’s vital that the email marketing platform you choose has an intuitive, high-quality email builder.

Well, both platforms have user-friendly drag-and-drop email builders that eliminate the need for any technical knowledge. However, if you have some coding experience, the platforms also allow for HTML editing.

Plus, you can use both email builders to easily update content blocks and set up dynamic content tagging.

The main difference here is that Klaviyo gives you access to more pre-built email templates than Iterable. These templates span many different industries, making it simple to set up email campaigns for various niches.

While Iterable offers fewer templates, you still get essential designs like promotional emails, welcome emails, and seasonal emails. Additionally, you have access to really cool layout options like Cinemagraphs and Hero Banners which are great for increasing customer engagement.

Winner: There’s no clear winner with this feature but we’d say Klaviyo just about comes out on top due to the sheer number of pre-built templates it provides.

Score: Klaviyo 1, Iterable 0.

Email Design Features Klaviyo Iterable
Pre-Built Templates Yes Yes
Drag-And-Drop Builder Yes Yes
HTML Editing Yes Yes
Dynamic Content Tagging Yes Yes

Email Marketing Automation

automation differences in klaviyo vs iteraable

When it comes to email marketing automation, Klaviyo and Iterable both excel.

The two platforms allow you to create custom automated workflows using sleek, visual builders. They also both offer pre-built workflows to streamline the process.

Klaviyo lets you set up workflow triggers based on customer data like:

  • Abandoned carts
  • New subscribers
  • Purchases
  • Date-based events
  • Inactivity

These triggers aren’t just for emails, either. They can also be used for SMS and push notifications.

Iterable allows you to set up most of the same triggers for emails, and you can use the same triggers for mobile apps and browsers. This means your workflows can be triggered by events in mobile apps and push notifications.

Winner: As with email design, the only thing separating the two platforms here is that Klaviyo provides more pre-built workflows than Iterable. Still, we think it’s a tie when it comes to email marketing automation features.

Score: Klaviyo 2, Iterable 1.

Interested in other platforms with superb email marketing automation features? Read our Omnisend vs Klaviyo comparison to see how their automation tools stack up against each other.

Automation Features Klaviyo Iterable
Automated Workflows Yes Yes
Pre-Built Workflows Yes Yes
Workflow Triggers Yes Yes
SMS Automation Yes Yes
Push notifications Yes Yes

Audience segmentation

Who has better segmentation features out of klaviyo and iterable

In email marketing, segmentation is probably the best way to optimize campaigns. It allows you to split your audience into very specific groups and then create personalized email campaigns that target them based on their characteristics.

With both Klaviyo and Iterable, you can segment your audience based on things like:

  • Customer behavior
  • Profiles
  • Purchase data
  • Metrics

This is great, but the thing we like the most is that both platforms automatically update your segments as more customer data becomes available. This means you don’t need to get bogged down in constant manual list maintenance.

Each platform allows you to create hyper-personalized email campaigns with incredibly specific segments. For example, you can combine abandoned cart data with purchase history for truly granular segmentation.

Winner: When it comes to segmentation, it’s definitely a tie. If you’re looking for a tool that allows for advanced, granular segmenting of your audience, either one will do nicely.

Score: Klaviyo 3, Iterable 2

Segmentation Features Klaviyo Iterable
Segments Based on Purchase Data Yes Yes
Segments Based on Customer Behavior Yes Yes
Segments Based on Profiles Yes Yes
Automated Segments Yes Yes
Granular Segmentation Yes Yes

Campaign Analytics

Campaign analytics

Klaviyo’s user-friendly analytics dashboard makes it really easy to track key campaign metrics like:

  • Click-through rates (CTR)
  • Open rates
  • Conversion rates
  • Workflow performance
  • Segmentation trends
  • Customer engagement

Additionally, it gives you access to predictive analytics which forecast metrics like:

  • Churn risk
  • Customer lifetime value
  • Expected date of next order

Iterable also allows you to analyze essential metrics like open rates and CTR and has built-in predictive analytics. However, its analytics dashboard is more complex than Klaviyo’s, and we imagine this might be a stumbling block for beginners.

Winner: While both offer powerful analytics, Iterable has a much steeper learning curve and is best suited to users with some previous campaign management experience. On the other hand, Klaviyo’s analytics tools are just as advanced but are much easier to use. So, Klaviyo is the winner in this category.

Score: Klaviyo 4, Iterable 2

If you’re looking for a tool with a gentler learning curve than both Klaviyo and Iterable, you should consider Mailchimp. To see how it compares to Klaviyo, take a look at our Klaviyo vs Mailchimp review.

Analytics Features Klaviyo Iterable
Campaign Metrics (CTR, Open Rates, etc.) Yes Yes
Predictive Analytics Yes Yes
Learning Curve Not too steep Quite steep

Third-party integrations

klaviyo integrations vs iterable integrations

In terms of target audiences, Klaviyo is primarily aimed at eCommerce businesses and Iterable is more broadly aimed at businesses in various industries.

Yet, if you run an online store, you’ll be happy to hear that both platforms have native integrations for the biggest eCommerce platforms, including:

  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce
  • Magento

And, they can both be integrated with the biggest Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools like Salesforce.

Klaviyo can be integrated with hundreds of other platforms, including:

  • AfterShip
  • Tapcart
  • ShipStation
  • Hello Retail
  • Zendesk
  • Google Ads
  • Commercetools

Iterable also allows for integrations with many other platforms, such as:

  • Facebook Lead Ads
  • Faraday
  • Kickbox
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights
  • Push Planet
  • Sageflo
  • Zapier

As you’d expect, Klaviyo’s integrations are more focused on providing value and functionality to eCommerce businesses. Iterable also offers many useful eCommerce integrations but isn’t specifically designed for this niche.

Winner: As a result, you’ll prefer Klaviyo’s integrations if you’re in the eCommerce niche. Yet, Iterable is probably the better option if you operate in a different industry.

Score: Klaviyo 5, Iterable 3

Integration Features Klaviyo Iterable
Shopify Native Integration Yes Yes
WooCommerce Native Integration Yes Yes
Magento Native Integration Yes Yes
CRM Integrations Yes Yes
Shipping Integrations Yes Yes
Ad Platforms Integrations Yes Yes

Klaviyo Vs Iterable: Pricing & Free Plans

Before you choose an email marketing platform, you want to know how much your email campaigns are going to cost you, right?

Well, Klaviyo makes this a lot easier to work out than Iterable. While Klaviyo allows you to toggle through the different pricing tiers on its site, Iterable doesn’t list its pricing.

The only pricing info available for Iterable is that its packages start from $500 per month. After that, the pricing varies based on the number of contacts you have and the volume of emails you want to send.

Plus, Iterable doesn’t offer a free plan whereas Klaviyo does. This is a bit frustrating as most email marketing platforms do offer free plans, such as Sendinblue. To see how Sendinblue’s free plan compares to Klaviyo’s, read our Sendinblue vs Klaviyo review.

For us, transparent pricing and free plans earn a platform a lot of points. So, in this category, Iterable is already way behind Klaviyo.

Of course, we can’t list Iterable’s prices here (because they don’t tell you what they are), but here are Klaviyo’s:

  • Email (up to 1,000 contacts): $30 per month
  • Email and SMS (up to 1,000 contacts & 1,250 monthly SMS credits): $45 per month

As expected, the prices increase the more contacts you have. For instance, if you have up to 10,000 contacts, the “Email” plan costs $165 per month, and for up to 20,000 contacts it’s $390 per month (which is still cheaper than Iterable’s starting price).

Klaviyo Vs Iterable: Customer Support & Onboarding

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, access to customer support and knowledge resources are essential when using an email marketing tool. With that in mind, how do Klaviyo and Interable’s customer support and onboarding compare?

Let’s take a look.

Klaviyo customer support & onboarding

Klaviyo wins hands-down when it comes to customer support.

All users on the paid plans get access to email, live chat, and phone support. Plus, there’s even an AI chatbot that can answer questions when the customer support team isn’t available.

On the free plan, users can still access support via email. However, this is only available for the first 60 days of the free plan.

Klaviyo also has a comprehensive online knowledge hub with loads of articles, video tutorials, and webinars to help you through the onboarding process.

On top of that, you can take advantage of one of Klaviyo’s personal consultants who will teach you how to use the different features.

Even though Klaviyo is a fairly complex tool, they’ve done all they can to make the onboarding process as smooth as possible, even for relative beginners.

Want to see how other tools compare to Klaviyo in terms of customer support? Check out our Dotdigital vs Klaviyo review.

Iterable customer support & onboarding

Like Klaviyo, Iterable also provides a huge volume of training resources on its website. These articles and tutorials are excellent resources as you learn to use the tool.

All Iterable users have access to email support and an AI chatbot, but Iterable doesn’t provide phone support.

Additionally, only users on certain pricing tiers can use the live chat feature. As Iterable isn’t transparent about its pricing, we can’t tell you which tiers have access to live chat (see how transparent pricing just makes everything easier?).

While Iterable’s knowledge resources are admirable, we feel that its levels of customer support are quite lacking, which is why Klaviyo definitely comes out on top here.

Iterable Vs Klaviyo: User Reviews & Ratings

Aside from testing an email marketing platform yourself, the next best thing you can do is get the opinions of customers who have been using it for some time.

That’s why we’ve included some excerpts from Capterra user reviews alongside Klaviyo and Iterable’s user ratings on Capterra and G2.

Klaviyo user reviews & ratings

On Capterra, Klaviyo is rated 4.6 out of 5 stars from 431 user reviews. Its G2 rating is 4.6 out of 5 from 1,034 reviews.

Several of the reviews on Capterra focus on Klaviyo’s value for money, like this one from Andrew J.:

“Such an impressive email service and compared to a much more expensive previous system was streets ahead. Granted there are better systems but for us the flows are perfect and for the next level of email campaign marketing you would need to spend a lot more.”

Iterable user reviews & ratings

Iterable has a Capterra rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars from just 51 reviews, and a G2 rating of 4.5 out of 5 from 587 reviews.

Although these ratings are very similar to Klaviyo’s, they’re based on far fewer reviews, so we’d advise taking them with a pinch of salt.

We found Iterable to have a pretty steep learning curve. However, some of the Capterra reviews suggest that users find its features fairly easy to use, like this one from Sara:

“I liked Iterable for its user-friendly interface, seamless deployment, robust workflow features, and the simplicity it offered in creating segments and targeting specific audiences.”

Our guess is that this user has some experience in creating email campaigns, as we doubt a complete beginner would leave a review like this. Still, it demonstrates that Iterable is a great choice for those with previous experience in marketing campaigns.

Struggling to decide which one to choose? Then make the most of InboxArmy’s ESP evaluation and migration service. We thoroughly assess your business needs and ensure you’re matched with an ESP that helps you achieve your desired marketing outcomes.

Final Verdict

As always, when choosing an email marketing platform, the one that’s right for you will depend on the type of industry you’re in, the size of your business, and your experience in email marketing.

Yet, in the case of these two platforms, the choice is actually fairly straightforward.

If you run an eCommerce business, you should opt for Klaviyo. Its superb email marketing automation and segmentation features will help you build targeted marketing campaigns that can help boost your conversions.

For business owners in other niches like travel and fintech, Iterable is the better choice. It allows for multi-channel marketing through emails, SMS, mobile apps, and push notifications.


What’s included with Klaviyo’s free plan?

Klaviyo’s free plan allows for up to 250 contacts. You can also send up to 500 emails per month and you get 150 monthly SMS credits. Additionally, you get access to:

  • Basic analytics and reporting
  • Some integrations, e.g. Shopify
  • Email templates
  • Core features like segmentation

However, you don’t get access to more advanced features such as custom audiences and web push notifications.

Are there cheaper alternatives to Klaviyo and Iterable?

Yes, some of the more affordable alternatives include:

  • Mailchimp: Starts at $13 per month
  • Omnisend: Starts at $16 per month
  • ActiveCampaign: Starts at $9 per month

Does Klaviyo include SMS marketing?

Yes, Klaviyo allows you to set up SMS marketing campaigns, which you can segment and automate as you would with your email campaigns. As part of the SMS marketing tool, you get more than 20 pre-built automated SMS workflows.

Plus, you can:

  • Incorporate dynamic product imagery, GIFs, and images into your messages to further optimize campaigns.
  • Establish two-way SMS conversations with customers.
  • Use AI to generate personalized SMS messages that align with the user’s journey.

About Author

Garin Hobbs is a seasoned Martech and Marketing professional with over 20 years of successful product marketing, customer success, strategy, and sales experience. With a career spanning across ESPs, agencies, and technology providers, Garin is recognized for his broad experience in growing email impact and revenue, helping launch new programs and products, and developing the strategies and thought leadership to support them. Understanding how to optimally align people, process, and technology to produce meaningful outcomes, Garin has worked to deliver sustainable improvements in consumer experience and program revenue for such brands as Gap, Starbucks, Macy’s, Foot Locker, Bank of America, United Airlines, and Hilton Hotels. For more information, follow him on Linkedin

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