7 Jewelry Email Marketing Examples (Plus Effective Strategies)

Written by: Scott Cohen

Published on: 08-02-2024

Scott is the CEO at InboxArmy and has more than 20 years of experience in email marketing.

Email is a vital marketing channel for all types of businesses – and jewelry stores are no different. You need to create engaging and effective email campaigns that’ll improve your open rates and increase your revenue. But where do you begin?

We’ll take you through seven amazing examples of jewelry email marketing and give you our top five strategies for success.

Ok, let’s do this!

7 Engaging Jewelry Email Marketing Examples

To give you inspiration for your campaign, here are some great examples of marketing emails from leading jewelry brands.

1. Free Item Offer Email

Typically, most brands offer discounts to their customers as incentives. However, it’s also a good strategy to offer free products. It’s an effective way to generate excitement about your brand and to earn the loyalty of your customers.

If you have a brick-and-mortar store, you can use the offer of a free product to encourage customers to visit your business’s physical locations. This is a good example of how to do it:

free item offer email

Notice how the word “Free” is written in bold using a larger font size than the other text. This instantly draws the attention of the reader and emphasizes the most important piece of information. Plus, by asking customers to print off the email and bring it to one of their stores, the brand should see increased footfall which could increase sales.

On top of that, the offer is very time-sensitive which creates a sense of urgency and makes it more likely for users to act quickly.

2. Seasonal Marketing Email

Jewelry has seasonality as well. Create seasonal email marketing content that targets your subscribers with different products, offers, and sales – depending on the season. I like the way this email encourages readers to refresh their wardrobe for summer with new jewelry products:

It uses colors that reflect the message of the “Summertime Blues” text and a clear, high-resolution photo of the products.

seasonal marketing email

The way it combines digital fonts with handwritten text is clever too, and I particularly like the way they’ve highlighted the award from “Accessories” magazine in a handwritten font. This shows the audience your products are well-reviewed by authoritative publications within your niche. As a result, they’re more likely to trust your brand and perceive your items as valuable.

3. Financing Options Email

Jewelry can be pretty expensive and not all people can afford it upfront. Buy Now Pay Later options can be a great way to drive sales while giving customers palatable options for payments. Email is an ideal marketing channel for promoting this to your subscriber list.

It allows you to get the word out to potential customers and can lead to increased conversions when they realize they can purchase your products without paying the full cost upfront.

Include the details of your credit options in an obvious place in your emails, like this:

financing options email

When the user gets this information straight away, they’re more likely to keep reading your email to see which products can be purchased on credit. This can improve user engagement, click-through rate (CTR), and conversions.

4. Holiday Catalog Email

Another good way to engage your subscribers and increase revenue is to include holiday catalog content within your emails. You could create a newsletter that discusses the launch of your new catalog and highlight particular products. Or, you could repurpose content from the catalog for your email marketing efforts, like this:

holiday catalog email

Many email marketing platforms include a template for this type of email. So, it should be relatively easy for you to create an engaging holiday catalog email that draws attention to your jewelry products in the best possible way.

5. Mother’s Day Email

We all associate jewelry with holidays, birthdays, and other special occasions. In particular, jewelry is the perfect gift for anniversaries, weddings, and Mother’s Day. So, you need to create email campaigns to target your audience around these occasions.

The design in this example is nice and simple but it gets the message across well. I really like the tagline “Every Mom’s A Gem” as it’s a playful way to use jewelry-related language that ties in with Mother’s Day.

mother's day email

I’m also a big fan of the creative way the product images are wrapped around the white frame of the email. It gives the email a feeling of uniqueness and makes it appear to be almost 3D. A visually arresting design like this is sure to catch the reader’s eye and encourage them to engage with the rest of the content.

6. Discount Email

Offer and discount emails should form a part of any jewelry email marketing campaign. They incentivize your subscribers to make purchases and make your mailing list feel like more of an exclusive club. Emails promoting your offers and discounts don’t need to be complicated. Usually, it’s best to keep them concise and uncluttered, like this:

discount email

This email gives the user most of the information they need and includes a clear CTA button so they can head directly to the sale product pages. Sometimes, email marketing really can be that simple!

7. Christmas Email

I already covered some of the holidays that are associated with jewelry but I couldn’t leave out the biggest of them all, Christmas. In the run-up to Christmas, you need to create targeted campaigns that keep your brand top-of-mind and ensure you maximize your revenue.

In this example, the brand incentivizes users with free delivery by Christmas Eve and reminds them that they still have time to order their jewelry:

christmas email

I don’t know about you, but I find the blue and white color scheme sophisticated and satisfying. Since this email is from De Beers, it makes sense that they’ve taken this approach. It aligns with the brand image which emphasizes class and good taste.

5 Strategies For Email Marketing For Jewelry Businesses

Email marketing for jewelers is vital. Here are five strategies you can use to create a fully optimized and highly effective email campaign.

(Or you can hire InboxArmy to do it for you. We’re an email marketing agency for ecommerce businesses, and can help you to build a successful strategy from start to finish. Contact us today and start your journey to email marketing success.)

1. Holiday Marketing Campaigns

When someone wants to buy something nice for the special people in their lives, jewelry is often the go-to. This is particularly true during holidays like Christmas, Mother’s Day, and Valentine’s Day. As a result, one of the best email marketing strategies for jewelers is to create a holiday newsletter campaign.

To make it your holiday email marketing effective, you should research the holiday-related topics your audience is interested in and create newsletter content that addresses these subjects. Use keyword research tools like Semrush and Google Keyword Planner to identify popular terms you can target.

Plus, you should analyze online forums like Reddit and Facebook groups to see which topics are being discussed among your audience.

Let’s say you identify “affordable gold earrings for Mother’s Day” as a popular search term among your audience. You can then create an email campaign that discusses this topic in-depth and positions your brand’s gold earrings as the perfect solution to this particular pain point.

2. Cross-Sell Recommendation Emails

Cross-selling involves recommending products to subscribers based on previous purchases. For instance, if a customer has already bought a pair of diamond earrings from you, send a targeted email to them recommending your diamond necklaces.

To make your cross-selling emails successful, you should:

  • Highlight the benefits: Clearly lay out the benefits of buying products complementary to the previous items the customer has purchased.
  • Create a sense of urgency: Include exclusive discounts and limited-time offers that apply to the products you’re recommending. This can encourage users to make a purchase quickly.
  • Include previous purchase reminders: It’s always a good idea to highlight the previously purchased product/s. This demonstrates the relevance of your recommendation to the customer.

There are also many benefits to sending cross-selling emails, such as:

  • Maximized customer lifetime value (CLV): Cross-selling emails can help your brand achieve a higher CLV – the total revenue you generate from a customer during their relationship with your brand. When people consistently receive relevant product suggestions, it increases their trust in your business and can lead to customer loyalty.
  • Increased revenue: As existing customers already have a level of engagement with your brand, it tends to be easier to sell to them than to sell to new prospects. So, cross-selling emails are an effective way to boost your revenue and get a higher ROI on your campaign.
  • More customer satisfaction: Cross-selling emails also make users feel more appreciated and understood. They help to create a seamless shopping experience that’s satisfying for both you and the customer.

3. Abandoned Cart Recovery Emails

Abandoned cart recovery emails are sent when (you guessed it) a user abandons their online cart without making a purchase.

To send this type of email, you’ll need to set up an abandoned cart workflow using an automation feature within an ESP. This means your email series will be automatically sent when an abandoned cart trigger occurs.

But what should you include in the content of an abandoned cart recovery email? Here are some suggestions:

  • A personalized introduction that clearly tells the reader why you’ve sent them the email.
  • A high-quality image of the product(s) in the cart, with a detailed description and pricing.
  • A prominent CTA button containing a phrase like “Complete Your Purchase”.
  • Offers or discounts on the product to encourage people to complete the purchase.
  • Social proof, like customer testimonials and reviews, that demonstrate the value of the product.

If you’re not using abandoned cart recovery emails as part of your campaign, you’ll definitely be missing out on sales. Users are unlikely to return to abandoned carts and complete purchases without you giving them a nudge.

4. Audience Segmentation

Audience segmentation involves dividing the subscribers on your mailing list into groups based on their specific characteristics. This includes things like age, location, occupation, and interests. Once you’ve done this, you can create highly targeted email content that is relevant and valuable to each segment. All good ESPs have an in-built segmentation tool that you can use to do this.

Segmentation also allows you to create segments based on user behaviors like purchase history. This helps ensure the right email series is sent to the right subscribers.

For example, you wouldn’t want to send a welcome email to an existing customer making their fifth purchase from your jewelry store. Instead, you’d want to send them a loyalty reward email that gives them access to exclusive discounts.

Using segmentation to create targeted campaigns is one of the best ways to increase customer engagement, improve customer retention, and boost sales.

5. Winback Email Campaigns

Winback emails are sent to subscribers on your list who have become inactive or haven’t purchased any jewelry for a while. They’re designed to reengage these users and hopefully get them converting again.

For winback emails to be effective, they should include:

  • Personalized subject lines that grab the reader’s attention and convince people to open your emails.
  • An acknowledgment of the fact the user has been disengaged or inactive.
  • A reminder of the value of your products.
  • Tailored content based on past interactions and preferences.
  • Incentives for reengaging like free shipping, discounts, and exclusive offers.
  • A clear CTA that encourages engagement.
  • An option to give you feedback on why the user disengaged in the first place.
  • Social proof like reviews and testimonials.

Note: Winback emails need to be markedly different from your regular promotional emails in terms of content. If you’re sending more of the same, don’t expect these customers to magically start opening and engaging with your emails again.

That said, one of the reasons winback emails are important is that it’s typically more cost-effective to retain existing customers than to acquire new ones. They also help to reduce unsubscribe rates, improve CTR, and increase sales.

Final Thoughts

Email is an essential marketing channel for all types of businesses, including jewelry brands. For a successful jewelry email marketing strategy, you need to segment your audience and target them with campaigns that include win-back emails, abandoned cart recovery emails, and cross-selling emails. The content of these emails needs to be highly relevant and very engaging, and should always include CTAs.


How can I prevent my jewelry emails from being marked as spam?

The best ways to prevent your emails from going straight into the spam folder include:

  • Authenticating your emails using DMARC, DKIM, and SPF.
  • Using a double opt-in process.
  • Regularly cleaning your mailing list to remove inactive subscribers.
  • Avoiding spammy phrases in your subject lines like “Act Now”.

What are the best times for jewelry businesses to send marketing emails?

Test. Test. Test. Times can vary greatly depending on your target audience, time of year, and more. Need a good place to start? eCommerce marketing emails tend to perform well when they’re sent between 9 AM and 11 AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To work out the optimal send times for your audience, experiment with different times and see which ones receive the best responses.

About Author

Winner of the ANA Email Experience Council’s 2021 Stefan Pollard Email Marketer of the Year Award, Scott Cohen is a proven email marketing veteran with nearly 20 years of experience as both a brand-side marketer and an email marketing agency executive. He brings to our clients a unique blend of experience building and managing larger CRM and retention teams, sending millions of emails and SMS per week, and award-winning copywriting chops. For more information, follow him on Linkedin

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