Top 20 Email Newsletter Examples & Why They Work

Written by: Scott Cohen

Published on: 07-16-2024

Scott is the CEO at InboxArmy and has more than 20 years of experience in email marketing.

Ready to step up your email newsletter game in 2025?

You’ve come to the right place.

At Inbox Army, we’ve been in the trenches of crafting winning email newsletters for hundreds of brands.

In this article, we’ll share what we’ve learned and the best practices from 20 amazing email newsletter examples. We curated them as they set a high benchmark for effective email newsletters.

Just to be clear, our admiration extends beyond aesthetics. We’re going to take a deep dive into what makes these newsletters great in terms of content, theme, and voice.

Our goal is to reveal the key elements that make each one of these newsletters adored by their audience. Later on in this article, we will also summarize a few best practices in effective email newsletter design and content strategies.

So grab a notepad and come along as we dive into the exciting world of email newsletters.

First, let me give you a quick overview of email newsletter in the current context.

What is an Email Newsletter?

An email newsletter is a regularly sent email that keeps subscribers informed about the latest news, updates, and activities of a business. These newsletters help keep subscribers informed about new products, services, and special offers.

Traditionally direct mail has been used for sending newsletters for a very long time. But now they are getting replaced by email newsletters as the latter is more cost-effective and engaging.

Today, email newsletters have become a cornerstone of effective email marketing. They serve as a direct line of communication between a brand and its audience.

Definition and Purpose of an Email Newsletter

Email newsletters are more than just a marketing tool.

A well-thought email newsletter can nurture customer relationships and build brand loyalty. And this very aspect makes them an essential component of any digital marketing strategy.

Benefits of an Email Newsletter

Are you wondering if all the effort in crafting an email newsletter is even worth it? Well, here are a few benefits of sending an email newsletter:

  • Regular newsletters keep your audience engaged, retain customers, and keep them interested in your brand.
  • A well-designed email newsletter improves brand recall, and keeps your business top-of-mind for subscribers. No wonder why mega brands like Apple, Google, and Canva keep sending email newsletters to their audience.
  • Newsletters provide a platform to build deeper connections with your audience, fostering loyalty and trust.
  • You can drive traffic back to your website with email newsletters thereby increasing the chances of conversions.
  • As opposed to any other media, the cost difference of sending email to a hundred subscribers or a hundred thousand subscribers isn’t huge. Email newsletters are inexpensive and offer a high return on investment.

That being said, let’s dive in to some of the finest email newsletter examples we’ve curated for you.

1. General Assembly: A masterclass in minimalism

General Assembly newsletter examples

General Assembly gears its no-fuss newsletter example towards subscriber action. The copy is clear and benefit-driven. A simple layout and concise copy means it is easy for readers to click on calls-to-action.

Steal this: When it comes to email newsletters, sometimes less is more. Simplify your design to ensure your CTAs are impossible to overlook. Keep your email newsletter simple and clear.

Ensure that every part of your newsletter focuses on driving subscribers towards taking the desired action.

2. Penguin Random House: Personalization at its best

Penguin Random House Personalization newsletter

Penguin Random House’s email newsletter is a shining example of using personalization. They provide a tailored reading experience for each subscriber.

Penguin allows readers to select their preferred book genres from a preference center. So, when the email newsletter arrives, it feels like it was curated just for them.

Steal this:

Take a cue from PRH’s email playbook and leverage subscriber data to send personalized content. Segment your list based on their interests, behaviors, or preferences. Then you can display personalized content blocks accordingly.

The more you make your newsletter feel like a personal conversation, the more your subscribers will keep opening and reading it.

3. The Moz Top 10: A Masterclass in Curation

The Moz Top 10 content curation newsletter example

The Moz Top 10 newsletter is a masterclass in using content curation to position your brand as a thought leader. Keep in mind, that it’s not limited to their own blog posts.

Moz newsletter excels in curating the finest and most pertinent content from the internet. Moz positions itself as a reliable resource for busy marketers wanting to stay updated on SEO trends.

They are a prime example of how content curation builds credibility and authority in email marketing newsletters.

Steal this:

Moz’s newsletter playbook is based on a simple idea. You can deliver value to your subscribers without having to create every piece of content from scratch.

Take a cue from Moz and try your hand at curation. Gather the most interesting and useful industry content into a weekly or monthly roundup.

Enhance its value by providing your own insightful commentary. Your subscribers will not only appreciate the content but also see your brand as a go-to resource in your niche.

4. Fizzle: Value-packed and ready to sizzle

Fizzle newsletter example

Fizzle’s newsletters are a testament to the power of delivering value directly to the inbox, making it a great newsletter example.

The email newsletter is jam-packed with actionable insights and thought-provoking ideas. Each newsletter provides an experience similar to a mini-course.

Steal this:

Conventional wisdom advises to keep email newsletters short and simple. Fizzle proves it wrong. If your content is valuable and interesting, your email subscribers will happily scroll. Do it.

Unsure? Try this brief experiment. Include your best blog post in a newsletter and notice how your subscribers respond. If your content is really strong, you’ll most likely see a spike in reader engagement.

5. Apartment Therapy: Visually stunning and scroll-stopping

Apartment Therapy a stunning newsletter

Apartment Therapy’s newsletter is an absolute treat for the eyes, making it a visually stunning newsletter example.

Every email is like a mini magazine, delivered to your inbox with stunning interior photography, an on-trend color palate, and a unique style.

It shows how visuals are such a powerful force in creating an immersive brand experience.

Steal this:

Elevate your newsletter design by following Apartment Therapy’s lead. Allocate your resources to visually stunning content that matches your audience’s desires and aspirations. Ensure that each image reflects your brand and stays up-to-date with trends.

6. Bloomscape: Planting the seeds of customer success

Bloomscape newsletter example to nurture customers

Bloomscape’s newsletter feels like a friendly update from a trusted friend. Its a great example of how to use email to nurture customers and build long-term brand loyalty.

By combining beautiful product images, plant care advice, and inspiring stories, the newsletter creates an engaging experience for the reader.

Steal this:

Use your email newsletter as a medium to provide ongoing value throughout the customer journey. Share tips and tutorials that help subscribers get the most out of your products.

Make your subscribers feel special by adding authentic customer stories, exclusive perks, and promotions.

The more you establish your newsletter as a trusted resource, the longer ‌customers stay with your brand. And guess what, they keep shopping for more.

7. Canva: Tapping into trending topics

canva newsletter template

Canva’s newsletter is a masterclass in how to leverage timely, relevant content to drive engagement, making it a great newsletter example. By tying their email content to trending topics and events, Canva positions itself as a customer-centric brand. It is a shining example of how to create email newsletters that feel fresh, current, and always in the know.

Steal this:

Here’s one of the most common sense email marketing newsletter advice – stay on top of the trends. Keep a close eye on what’s trending in your industry.

Be it a new product launch, a major algorithm update, or a cultural phenomenon, joining the conversation can help your newsletter feel more relevant and engaging. Just be sure to strike while the iron is hot — timing is key to crafting trend-based email newsletters.

8. BuzzFeed: The kings of captivating headlines

BuzzFeed email newsletter template for captivating subject lines

BuzzFeed’s newsletter is a great newsletter example of how to write captivating subject lines and preview text that makes you want to click.

BuzzFeed’s email headlines are the stuff of legend, thanks to their signature blend of curiosity, humor, and FOMO. It exemplifies how mastering the art of teasing enhances your email marketing newsletters.

Steal this:

Ready to boost your open rates and get more eyeballs on your email newsletters? Take a page from BuzzFeed’s playbook and start prioritizing your subject lines and preview text.

Try various headline formats like lists, cliffhangers, or questions to see how your audience responds. Don’t be afraid to have a little fun and let your brand personality shine through.

9. CNN’s 5 Things: The dependable daily digest

CNN’s 5 Things - newsletter example

CNN’s 5 Things email newsletter is a masterclass in how to create a daily email habit that subscribers can’t wait to open, making it a great newsletter example.

CNN’s newsletter makes it easy to stay informed with a quick overview of the top news stories of the day. It shows how frequency and format can be an useful strategy for building an engaged subscriber base.

Steal this:

Want to create an email newsletter that becomes a can’t-miss part of your subscribers’ daily routine? Follow CNN’s lead and focus on delivering value on a consistent, predictable schedule.

Find a format and frequency that works for your audience and stick to it. The more your subscribers come to expect and rely on your newsletter, the more likely they are to keep opening and engaging.

10. Creative Bloom: Practice what you preach

Creative Bloom a prime newsletter

Creative Bloom’s newsletter is a prime newsletter example of using email design to showcase your brand’s expertise. The newsletter looks great, and every element is intentional and on-brand. It’s a masterclass in how to use email as an extension of your brand identity.

Steal this:

If you’re looking for email marketing newsletter tips to help you stand out in a crowded inbox, take a cue from Creative Bloom. Think of your newsletter as a mini-portfolio for your brand.

Use each ‘email send’ as an opportunity to showcase your unique design style and creative sensibility. This approach builds credibility and a deeper bond with your subscribers.

11. Asana: Infusing personality into productivity

Asana's newsletter

Asana’s newsletter is a masterclass in how to infuse personality and flair in email newsletters, making it a great newsletter example.

From the quirky, colorful illustrations to the friendly, conversational copy, every element of the newsletter feels distinctly Asana. It demonstrates how infusing your content with personality can be a valuable newsletter strategy in building a brand people love.

Steal this:

Take a page from Asana’s playbook and look for opportunities to let your brand’s unique voice and personality shine through.

Find ways to humanize your copy.

Be it a quirky headline, a pop culture reference, or a well-placed emoji. Design goes a long way in making your newsletter feel more authentic and engaging. Just be sure to stay true to your brand voice and tone. Consistency is the key here.

12. Academy of American Poets: Seasonal content that shine

Academy of American Poets a seasonal content newsletter

The Academy of American Poets’ newsletter shows how seasonal content keeps it interesting and up-to-date round the year. It’s a masterclass in how to align your content calendar with the rhythms of the year.

The Academy’s newsletter is ‌one of the best in arts and culture because it combines both current and timeless elements.

Steal this:

Follow the Academy’s lead and start thinking about how you can tie your content and promotions to the major milestones and moments of your subscribers’ year.

Look for opportunities to match your sends with top-of-mind events and experiences.

Incorporating this will make your newsletter more engaging and relevant. It will also help you plan your content calendar in advance.

13. The New York Times Cooking: Deliciously engaging content

The New York Times Cooking

The New York Times Cooking newsletter is a delightful mix of new recipes from various chefs, curated to keep readers inspired.

Its clean and uncluttered design makes it easy to read and skimmable. Subscribers can quickly find recipes that pique their interest. This approach keeps the content fresh and engaging, making it a must-read for culinary enthusiasts.

Steal This:

You can pack a lo of punch in your newsletter with content but if it isn’t skimmable, readers might skip it.

Keep your newsletters simple, clean, and easy to scan. Which means, you can pack more variety in your email newsletter without overwhelming your subscribers.

14. Quartz Daily Brief: Concise and informative

Quartz Daily Brief a financial newsletter example

Quartz Daily Brief is among the top 25 financial newsletters worldwide. It is a masterclass in delivering concise and informative content.

The newsletter is organized into sections for need-to-know news, what to watch for, top reads, and surprising discoveries.

This structured approach allows readers to choose from a variety of topics, making it a versatile and engaging read.

Steal This:

You can follow the footsteps of Quarz Daily in your industry too.

Keep your newsletter design simple, include high quality content, and organize it beautifully. And there you have the formula for a blockbuster email newsletter your audience will love.

15. Virgin Experience Days: A masterclass in color psychology

Virgin Experience Days newsletter

Virgin Experience Days’ newsletter is a testament to the power of color psychology, making it a great newsletter example.

The VED newsletters use bold, eye-catching colors to make them visually striking and effective.

It’s a shining example of how a little color theory can go a long way in creating email newsletters that drive clicks and conversions.

Steal this:

Ready to take your email marketing newsletter design to the next level? Take a cue from VED and start thinking strategically about how you use color in your sends.

Guide your subscribers’ attention and encourage action with the right color palette. Choose hues that align with your brand and are easily readable across devices and email clients.

16. Unsplash: Celebrating the community

Unsplash newslteer to thrive community

Unsplash’s newsletter is one of the finest examples of using email to nurture a thriving community, making it a great newsletter example.

The newsletter celebrates its passionate user base by showcasing top contributors and user-generated content. It highlights how prioritizing subscribers increases reader engagement and loyalty in email newsletters.

Steal this:

Follow Unsplash’s lead and look for opportunities to shine a spotlight on your audience.

Whether it’s shouting out top customers, or sharing inspiring stories, you can make your newsletter feel more like a two-way conversation.

17. Tracksmith: Storytelling that goes the distance

Tracksmith a storytelling newsletter example (1)

Tracksmith’s newsletter is a perfect newsletter example of using storytelling to foster strong goodwill with your email subscribers.

The newsletter combines personal stories, quotes, and behind-the-scenes info for an authentic experience. It shows how vulnerability and humanity can be such an effective way to build a loyal & passionate subscriber base.

Steal this:

You can too create email newsletters that tug at your subscribers’ heartstrings. Simply follow Tracksmith’s newsletter example to build a more profound connection with your audience.

Make your newsletter more inviting by humanizing your brand and content. You can achieve this through personal stories, inspiring customer journeys, and writing in a conversational tone.

Keep your stories authentic, relevant, and aligned with your brand.

18. Litmus: Geeking out on email marketing

a newsletter sample by Litmus

If you want to stay up-to-date on email marketing trends and best practices, Litmus’ newsletter is a must-read newsletter example.

It offers a wealth of advice, tips, and insights for email marketers. What truly distinguishes Litmus is their contagious passion for everything related to email. This enthusiasm is evident in every headline filled with clever wordplay and references to geek culture.

19. Patagonia: Purpose-driven and powerful

Patagonia email sample

If someone has to describe Patagonia’s email newsletter in two words, it would be “purpose driven.” Patagonia has mastered the art of using email to advance brand’s mission and values.

Their newsletter combines product promotions with environmental news and stories of change-makers. As a result, the newsletter is not only impactful, it also sounds genuine.

Steal this:

Would you like to send newsletters that resonates with your subscribers on a deeper level? Take a cue from Patagonia and look for opportunities to connect your email content with your brand’s mission and purpose.

Infuse your newsletters with a sense of meaning and impact.

20. Spotify: Personalization that hits the right note

Spotify customized newsletter example

Spotify’s newsletter creates customized email experiences for each subscriber by using data and personalization, making it a great newsletter example. It feels like a custom mixtape tailored to each individual.

The newsletter not only provides personalized recommendations, but also offers valuable insights into your favorite artists. With a deep understanding of your musical preferences, it curates playlists tailored to your taste.

Steal this:

Ready to take your email newsletter game to the next level of personalization? Take a cue from Spotify and consider leveraging your subscriber data to craft personalized email experiences.

Recommend products based on subscriber’s past purchases or show content that matches their interests.

Let’s Summarize

These examples demonstrate how businesses in every category can use email newsletters to engage their audience and provide lasting value.

By incorporating relevant content, high-quality images, and a compelling subject line, you can create a newsletter that drives traffic and conversions.

By now, you might have got a few ideas on how you want to implement your email newsletter strategy.

So how do you implement these email newsletter strategies in your own business?

Let us uncover some important tips and best practices you can implement in your own email newsletters.

Tips & Best Practices for Email Newsletter Success

Creating Engaging Newsletter Content

By now you are probably clear that creating engaging content is the heart of a successful email newsletter.

Here a few tips to craft powerful, engaging content for your newsletter:

  • Create relevant, valuable, and informative, offering subscribers insights and information they can’t find elsewhere.
  • Mix up your content formats with articles, blog posts, tips, customer stories, and announcements of upcoming events.
  • Address subscribers by their names. Personalization is key.
  • Segment your email list based on behavior, interests, and demographics to deliver more targeted content.
  • Keep the tone conversational with a clear and concise writing style that’s easy to read.
  • Ensure your content is optimized for mobile devices.
  • Include a clear and prominent CTA that directs readers to take the next step.
  • Including an unsubscribe link is also crucial to show respect for your audience and improve overall engagement.

By focusing on these elements, you can create an email newsletter that keeps your subscribers informed, engaged, and coming back for more.

Incorporate Upcoming Events and Important Dates

Keeping your subscribers informed about upcoming events and important dates is a great way to keep them engaged.

Whether it’s a company event, product launch, webinar, or conference, including these details in your newsletter can help your audience stay connected with your business.

Curate Relevant Content and Resources

Curating relevant content and resources is an excellent way to provide value to your subscribers and establish your company as a thought leader in your industry.

You can include articles, blog posts, videos, and podcasts that are pertinent to your audience.

Using User-Generated Content

You can add a personal touch to your newsletter with user-generated content and employee spotlights.

This can include customer testimonials, employee interviews, photos, and videos. Here’s the best part. Creating such content is easy and your subscribers will love it!

Engaging Visuals

Use a clear and concise format to make it easy for subscribers to quickly scan and find the information they need. Include exciting visuals to keep the newsletter engaging and interesting.

Remember, only use high-quality images and graphics in line with your brand guidelines for maximum impact.

Include a call-to-action (CTA) so readers can find out more about the content piece they’re interested in reading further. Do not forget to include social media links so your subscribers can share the content with their friends, and colleagues.

Mobile Optimization

As more and more people are consuming content on their smartphones. Optimizing your email newsletter for mobile isn’t just necessary – it’s mandatory.

Ensure that your newsletter is easily readable and navigable on smaller screens. Use a clear and concise format to make it easy for subscribers to scan and find the information they need.

Test your newsletter on different devices and email clients can ensure that it is optimized for a seamless experience.

Testing and Measuring Engagement

Just like any other medium, email newsletters needs to be continuously tested and optimized for performance. Use email marketing analytics to track open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

A/B testing can help you determine what subject lines, content, and CTAs work best for your audience.

Analyze engagement data and adjust your email marketing strategy continuously. That way, you can refine your newsletters to resonates with your readers and drives real results for your business.

Building a Loyal Audience With Consistency

Sending consistently and building a loyal audience is the ultimate goal of any newsletter.

Pick a sending schedule and stick to it.

Your subscribers should know exactly when to expect your email newsletter. Consistency is the king when it comes to email newsletters. And your audience will actually respect you for that.

Choosing an Email Marketing Platform

A well-chosen email marketing platform can make a significant difference in the success of your newsletter.

Popular email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and HubSpot provide user-friendly interfaces and customizable templates. Most email marketing platforms come with advanced analytics to help you track engagement metrics with ease.

When choosing an email platform for your newsletter, consider factors such as ease of use, scalability, and integration with other tools.

With the right email platform, you can streamline your email marketing efforts and send newsletters with a sense of ease.

Crafting Compelling Subject Lines and Preheader Text

Crafting compelling subject lines and preheader text is an art that requires creativity and deep understanding of your audience.

Your subject line is the first impression of your newsletter. It should be clear, concise, and attention-grabbing.

Use strong verbs, relevant keywords, and a sense of urgency to pique curiosity and entice readers to open your email.

The preheader text, which appears below the subject line, provides additional context and encourages readers to dive in.

Keep both elements concise and mobile-friendly to ensure they appear correctly on all devices. When you master these elements, you’ll see a gradual boost in your open rates and engagement.

Conclusion: Crafting Email Newsletters That Resonate and Convert

As we’ve explored these 20 stellar email newsletter examples, one thing becomes crystal clear: the art of crafting compelling newsletters is both a science and a creative endeavor.

From BuzzFeed’s captivating headlines to Spotify’s personalized playlists, each example offers unique insights into what makes a newsletter truly exceptional.

Let’s recap the key takeaways:

  1. Prioritize Your Subscribers: The most successful newsletters, like Penguin Random House’s personalized recommendations, put the reader’s interests first.
  2. Consistency is Key: Whether it’s CNN’s daily digest or Canva’s trend-focused content, regular, reliable communication builds trust and engagement.
  3. Visual Appeal Matters: Apartment Therapy and Creative Bloom demonstrate how aesthetics can elevate your message and reinforce your brand identity.
  4. Embrace Storytelling: Brands like Tracksmith and Patagonia show how narrative can create emotional connections with your audience.
  5. Leverage Data: Spotify’s hyper-personalized content proves the power of using subscriber data to create tailored experiences.
  6. Stay True to Your Brand: From Asana’s quirky personality to The New York Times Cooking’s culinary expertise, authenticity resonates with readers.

As you embark on your own newsletter journey, remember that the most effective newsletters are those that provide genuine value to their subscribers.

Start by implementing one or two strategies from these examples in your next newsletter. Test different approaches, analyze your metrics, and most importantly, listen to your subscribers.

With time and iteration, you’ll develop a newsletter that not only meets your marketing goals but becomes a valued resource for your audience.

The inbox is a competitive space. But armed with these insights, your newsletter can cut through the noise and forge lasting connections with your readers.

So, take that first step, experiment boldly, and watch as your email marketing efforts transform from mere communications into powerful brand experiences.

Your next great newsletter is just a send away. Happy emailing!

About Author

Winner of the ANA Email Experience Council’s 2021 Stefan Pollard Email Marketer of the Year Award, Scott Cohen is a proven email marketing veteran with nearly 20 years of experience as both a brand-side marketer and an email marketing agency executive. He brings to our clients a unique blend of experience building and managing larger CRM and retention teams, sending millions of emails and SMS per week, and award-winning copywriting chops. For more information, follow him on Linkedin

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