26 Best Email Marketing Examples To Inspire You

Written by: Chris Donald

Published on: 09-15-2022

Chris is Managing Partner at InboxArmy and has more than 25 years of experience in email marketing

No marketing channel has the potential to quickly and dramatically boost revenue for your business more than email marketing. To achieve your email marketing goals, you need to hire email marketing experts that focuses on the highest-ROI emails. Then, you need to nail those emails with the help of different email marketing examples.

To help you develop an effective email strategy and create money-making emails, we’ve created this list of email marketing examples. These are 6 types of good email marketing examples that have the greatest impact on the bottom line, including:

  • Welcome Emails
  • Cart Abandonment Emails
  • Upsells, Upgrades, & Back In Stock
  • Newsletters
  • Promotional Emails
  • Holiday Emails
  • Sale Promo Emails

And we’ll use examples of emails we created for our clients to show you how to optimize each email for maximum results.

Note: Unlike other articles on this subject, we’re not just sharing brief descriptions of why each email is cool. We dig deep into each email type and email marketing example to show why it works and how to craft your own.

At an email marketing company we create email marketing strategies, email templates, and more to help our clients boost revenue quickly and effectively. To learn more about how we can help you, contact our team.

Email Marketing Examples of Welcome Emails

Welcome Emails are critical to any email marketing strategy — but especially for eCommerce companies. In our experience, they’re the 2nd-3rd most profitable types of eCommerce emails (along with Abandoned Cart Emails and Holiday Emails).

But every business will benefit significantly from creating an effective Welcome Email automation. The more times a customer purchases from you, the more likely they are to return. In fact, a customer who makes three purchases is 54% likely to make a fourth.

Obviously, our goal as marketers is to turn every customer into a lifelong, repeat customer. And Welcome Emails facilitate that goal by: 

1.) Influencing First-Purchases

The sooner a customer makes their first purchase, the sooner they get to three purchases. Welcome Emails can influence customers to make a first-purchase immediately by:

  • Introducing customers to your business, your products, and the benefits of working with you.
  • Offering an incentive, usually by offering a discount on the first purchase (which, coincidentally, has the potential to increase average order value by getting customers to spend more).

2.) Building A Strong Customer Relationship

Welcome Emails give you the opportunity to shape your relationship with each customer by:

  • Introducing them to all the ways you can help them (i.e., all the products and services you offer).
  • Using objection handlers to preemptively eliminate any objections that may prevent a future purchase (by, for example, sharing your free shipping and warranty policies).
  • Sharing your brand story to create an emotional connection.

Below, we’ll share three examples of Welcome Emails: one for an eCommerce client, a B2B email marketing service-business client, and an SaaS client.

1) Email Marketing Example for eCommerce — SixThreeZero

Email Marketing Example for eCommerce — SixThreeZero

Company & Email Background

SixThreeZero is an eCommerce company that sells bicycles and ebikes. We helped them achieve a 335% increase in email-driven revenue in three months. The 3-part Welcome Email sequence we helped them create was a big part of that success. The email above is the third email in that sequence.

Why The Email Works

1.) Incentivizes First Purchase

The email offers a $20 discount in order to motivate shoppers to buy immediately. As stated, the sooner/more they make a purchase, the more likely they are to become repeat customers.

2.) Relationship Nurturing:

The email invites new subscribers to join SixThreeZero’s Facebook Group, The Pedaler’s Group. Subscribers can join a community of other SixThreeZero customers/cyclists and share tips, pictures, stories and more. By getting new subscribers to join a community, SixThreeZero can nurture a strong, long-term relationship and use social influence to keep the customer loyal.

There’s also an element of gamification in the email. It invites subscribers to download SixThreeZero’s Ridetracker App. The app lets users track their rides and share stats with fellow riders. Users can compete with other users and push themselves to do more. Gamification makes using your product more fun, increases customer engagement, and creates long-term repeat customers.

3.) Uses An Aspirational Image:

One of SixThreeZero’s biggest selling points is that their customers can use their bikes to visit fun and exciting places. Rather than simply showing an image of a SixThreeZero product/bike, the email includes an aspirational image of a woman riding her bike by a beautiful lake. The image associates SixThreeZero bikes with the sense of adventure that they provide. 

4.) Uses Social Proof:

The email marketing image includes the social media posts from customers talking about their SixThreeZero bikes and how much they enjoy them. And rather than just using customer reviews/posts that say generic things like “I love this bike” or “My bike is awesome”, the email includes reviews/posts that touch upon key SixThreeZero selling points:

  • The posts are taken from their Facebook Pedalers Group, which gives subscribers a glimpse of what the group has to offer.
  • One review/post talks about how the customer’s bike came preassembled and ready to use.
  • One review/post shows a group member asking for help/suggestions, with a reply from another group member helping them out.

5.) Content Hierarchy:

Content hierarchy is a design principle that’s all about controlling subscribers’ attention — i.e., how to make the most important info in your email more noticeable so customers see it first. This email uses a single-column layout that enables subscribers to focus on each content block one at a time and fully take in the info. It also puts the most important content first (i.e., the discount and aspirational image) so subscribers are sure to see it immediately.

2) Email Marketing Example for SaaS — Reflectly

Email Marketing Example for SaaS — Reflectly

Company & Email Background

Reflectly is a journaling app that aims to help users develop a journaling habit in order to become calmer and happier. The email above is part of a 5-part Welcome Email series that aims to educate new freemium users on how to get started with Reflectly and how to get the most value from it. In doing so, they increase the chances that subscribers will upgrade to the premium version.

With help from our email campaign examples , Reflectly was able to boost their premium userbase by 3000%.

Why The Email Works

 1.Uses Social Proof:

The email begins with a quote from a Reflectly user describing how much they love Reflectly and the benefits it provides them. Further down the email, it shares reviews from other happy customers that describe the benefits they receive.

Of course, every company will make promises about how much their product works. But rather than just telling subscribers that, Reflectly lets subscribers hear it directly from satisfied customers — which is more effective.

 2.Instructs Subscriber On How To Get Started:

The email tells subscribers how to get started on using Reflectly and how to get the most value from the app (the “Get To Know Yourself” and “Get To Know Reflectly sections). In doing so, it helps new users experience the benefits as soon as possible. The quicker subscriber see benefits, the more likely they are to continue using the product and upgrade to the premium version.

3.Builds A Relationship & Invites Engagement:

The email aims to build a relationship between customers and a member of Reflectly’s team. It shares two messages from Martin. 

People are much more likely to feel a connection with another person than they are with a nameless, faceless brand. By focusing the relationship on one member of their team, Reflectly increases the chances customers will build an emotional relationship. Learn More About SaaS Email Marketing & it’s strategies.

The messages from Martin also include two important marketing tactics:

  • Social Proof – Martin describes how he started off as a Reflectly user, and was so in love with the app that he joined the company. This validates that their product works.
  • Invites Engagement – The email invites users to reach out to Martin for help with any challenges. The more users engage with Martin, the stronger their relationship becomes. It also enables Martin to help users with their challenges and experience value from using Reflectly.

3) Email Marketing Example for B2B Service Business — Rankings.io

3) Email Example for B2B Service Business — Rankings.io

Company & Email Background

Rankings.io is an agency that helps lawyers use SEO to attract and convert clients. The email above is part of the 4-part Welcome Email series we helped them create. 

The Welcome Series aims to:

  • Demonstrate Rankings.io’s value and build authority by sharing results they got for their clients.
  • Familiarize subscribers with Rankings.io’s methodology by describing how they operate. The more familiarity and trust prospects have in a service business’s methods, the more likely they are to hire them.
  • Build a relationship between customers and Chris Drucker, Rankings.io’s CEO.
  • Tell subscribers about what Rankings.io’s newsletter will contain and how it will help them.

The Welcome Series was part of an email campaign example that enabled us to boost Rankings.io’s open rate by 300% and email clicks by 1000%.

Why The Email Works

1.) Simplicity:

Rather than packing in a lot of content, the email focuses on just two things: getting users to watch a video and inviting them to reach out to Chris. By keeping things simple, the email increases the likelihood that subscribers will actually engage with the content and do what Rankings.io wants them to do.

2.) Builds A Relationship:

The email includes a video of Chris Drucker describing his journey on how he decided to start doing SEO for lawyers. In doing so, the video helps subscribers connect with him as a person and builds authority by demonstrating Chris’s experience and expertise on the subject (which increases the chances that subscribers will hire him).

3.) Invites Engagement:

The email invites subscribers to introduce themselves. By engaging with subscribers, Chris can develop a stronger relationship with them. It also gives him Rankings.io to start nurturing subscribers into becoming customers

Email Marketing Examples of Abandoned Cart Emails

Cart Abandonment emails — emails that are automatically sent to shoppers who add products to their cart but don’t complete their purchase — apply almost exclusively to eCommerce businesses. Read more about abandoned cart email template here.

Which is unfortunate, as they’re one of (if not the most) consistently profitable email automations a business can employ. In fact, the cart abandonment emails we created for RCJuice increased their monthly revenue by 400%!

The keys to creating revenue-boosting cart abandonment emails include:

1.) Nail The Flow

Cart Abandonment automations should consist of 3-5 emails sent over a period of time after cart abandonment. The number of emails, pacing, and content will differ from business to business (we’ll provide several different examples below). But you should test each out to see what works best for you.

2.) Handle Objections

Shoppers abandon carts for a reason. Sometimes it’s just because they got distracted. Sometimes it’s because they realized they can’t afford the purchase. But sometimes, a lack of clarity on your shipping and return policies drove them away. In any case, you should try to discover what issues are responsible for abandonment and address them in your emails. Read More About Browse Abandonment Emails & it’s examples.

3.) Add Incentives

Whether or not the cost of your product played a part in why the shopper abandoned their cart, adding a discount always works to sweeten the pot and convince shoppers to complete their purchase. Incentive force shoppers to weigh their objections against the opportunity to obtain something they want at a limited-time discount.

4.) Use Imagery Effectively

You should always include an image of the abandoned product(s) in your cart abandonment emails. But you can take things a step further by including aspirational images — i.e., images that show your product being used or that associate your product with something desirable — in your emails to really stoke shoppers’ emotions.

Quiet Kat

Quiet Kat

Company & Email Background

Quiet Kat is an eCommerce company that sells all-terrain ebikes online. The email above uses social proof and objection handlers to influence shoppers to complete their purchase.

Why The Email Works

1.) Includes Product Image:

The email includes an image of the abandoned product, reminding shoppers about what they wanted so they’ll return to complete their purchase.

2.) Includes Social Proof:

The email includes a carousel of customer reviews that describes the benefits and selling points of Quiet Kat’s ebikes. One review describes the high quality of their products. The other review suggests that its great for hunting — which is one of the common reasons customers use their bikes.

3.) Uses Objection Handlers:

The email handles objections by sharing Quiet Kat’s 30-day test drive policy, financing options, and sales support. By reducing any friction and objections to buying, Quiet Kat can increase sales.



Company & Email Background

The email above is part of a 5-part Cart Abandonment Email sequence we created for SixThreeZero.

Before working with us, they had a Cart Abandonment sequence in place that wasn’t quite getting the results they wanted. We made changes to the sequence that enabled them to generate more revenue from the sequence in two months than they had the previous 14 months.

Why The Email Works

1.) Content Hierarchy:

The email places the three most important elements at the top of the email where shoppers are sure to see them immediately: the aaspirational image, the abandoned product, and the $100 discount.

2.) Uses Aspirational Image:

The email includes both an image of the abandoned product and an aspirational image of a SixThreeZero bike on a cliff by the ocean. Again, this aspirational image associates their bikes with the sense of adventure customers hope to attain. By stoking these emotions, the image increases the chances shoppers will complete their purchase.

3.) Uses Incentives:

To incentivize shoppers to complete their purchase, the email includes a $100 discount. Shoppers will be more likely to buy the product now that they can get it at a lower price. Later in the sequence, the emails add urgency to the incentive by telling shoppers that their discount will expire soon.

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4.) Handles Objections:

SixThreeZero bikes are expensive. And many customers may be hesitant to spend that money because they’re concerned that they may not like the bike once they get it. So the email informs them of SixThreeZero’s 90-day return policy to handle this objection and convince shoppers to convert.

5.) Uses Social Proof:

The email shares two customer reviews. One review testifies as to the high quality of SixThreeZero bikes. The other testifies to the quality of their customer service.

By sharing these reviews, the email establishes social proof and addresses two selling points that may convince shoppers to convert.



Company & Email Background

RCJuice is an eCommerce company that sells RCs and RC parts. The email above is part of a 5-part Cart Abandonment Email sequence that increased their monthly revenue by 400%.

Why The Email Works

1.) Simplicity:

The email keeps things simple by focusing on the discount they’re offering and the abandoned product(s).

2.) Uses Incentives:

The email incentivizes shoppers with a 10% discount in order to convince them to complete their purchase.

3.) Creates Urgency:

The email creates urgency by telling shoppers they only have 48 hours before their discount expires. This urgency will push shoppers to make a decision fast.

4.) Uses a Zig-Zag Layout:

The email uses a zig-zag layout to draw customers down the email so they look at each abandoned product. At the end, they arrive at the CTA and must make a decision to convert or not.

Email Marketing Examples Upsells, Upgrades, & Back In Stock

Since they’ve already purchased products from you and experienced the value of what you have to offer, it’s much easier to convert existing customers than to new ones. 

And two of the fastest ways to increase revenue is by increasing your average order value and customer lifetime value – both of which you can do by selling more products to existing customers.

For those reasons, we believe Upsell, Upgrade, and Back In Stock emails belong on this list.

BOIE Upsell

BOIE Upsell

Company & Email Background

The BOIE email above is an upsell email that aims to remind/influence customers to purchase another body scrubber. Rather than giving them a hard-sell, the email aims to honestly inform them about when it’s time to buy another body scrubber and allows them to make the determination on their own.

Why The Email Works

1.) Educational, Low-Pressure Pitch:

Upsells don’t always need to be aggressive. In fact, a hard pitch can sometimes turn customers off.

This BOIE email uses a soft, friendly pitch and aims to educate customers on when to buy a new body scrubber. Rather than directing customers to a product landing page, the CTA invites them to read an article about how to determine when to buy a new body scrubber. In doing so, BOIE builds trust with their customers while simultaneously influencing purchases.

It also includes a headline that seemingly does the opposite of pitching an upgrade. It tells customers that if their current body scrubber “looks good”, there’s no need to buy another one.

2.) Attractive Aspirational Image:

Aspirational images can sometimes just show your product being used. While the image in this email doesn’t quite show the product in use, it does include an attractive, high-quality image of the body scrubber covered in soap. To customers, this conjures up images of using the body scrubber, which can influence customers to buy.

3.) Simplicity:

Sometimes, it’s best to keep things simple and focus your subscribers’ attention on just one thing. This email does that by focusing entirely on the concept of when to upgrade and sharing an article that informs readers how to make that determination. The laser-like focus increases the chances that subscribers will do what BOIE wants — read the article.

Renew: White Horse Vapor

Renew White Horse Vapor

Company & Email Background

White Horse Vapor sells luxury vape products and eliquids. The email above aims to get customers to “re-up” on their vape purchases.

Why The Email Works

1.) Uses Timing:

The email is sent to customers around the time that their previous purchase is about to run out. By reminding customers to renew their order before it’s too late, White Horse Vapor provides mutual benefit to the customer and themselves.

2.) Uses Dynamic Content:

The email uses dynamic content blocks that are populated with whatever the customer purchased previously. By including products that they know the customer likes, White Horse Vapor is more likely to generate conversions from this email.

3.) Includes Product Suggestions:

In case the customer was unhappy with their previous purchase or just wants something new, the email includes suggestions of other popular flavors and products.

BOIE Back In Stock

BOIE Back In Stock

Company & Email Background

BOIE’s products are popular and certain colors/designs often sell out. BOIE sends out the above Back-In-Stock email to let customers know when their favorite products return.

Why The Email Works

1.) Simplicity:

These emails don’t need to be complicated. They’re sent to customers who’ve already demonstrated an interest in the product your promoting. The email keeps things simple and focuses on informing customers about the product’s return.

2.) Creates Urgency:

Customers know that the product(s) have sold out before. The email uses fear  to create urgency by telling customers to act fast before the product sells out again.

Email Marketing Examples of Newsletters

Newsletters are emails that you send to subscribers regularly (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.). They’re not only a great way to generate immediate sales, they also enable you to nurture customers for future sales and build strong relationships that turn one-time customers/browsers into repeat customers.

The keys to creating great newsletters ideas include:

1.) Know Your Role

The type of newsletter you create will depend on what type of business you are and what you need to do to build a strong relationship with customers and generate sales. For example:

  • Most eCommerce businesses should use their newsletter to promote products that the customer might be interested in and describe the benefits of those products. 
  • Most service businesses should use their newsletter to build authority, develop familiarity, and explain their methods and the benefits of working with them.
  • Most SaaS businesses should use their newsletter to influence product engagement and show users how to use their software to achieve important goals.

NOTE: Don’t worry, we’ll explain how to do each of these below.

2.) Use Design Effectively:

Newsletters often contain more content and info than other emails. So you’ll need to use the principles of content hierarchy to design newsletters that are attractive and control subscribers’ attention.

Service Business Newsletter Email Campaign — AFA

Service Business Newsletter Email Campaign — AFA

Company & Email Background

AFA is a company that sells fire and security services, such as installing and inspecting fire alarm systems in buildings and homes. Their newsletter uses education and urgency to nurture and convert recipients.

Why The Email Works

1.) Shares Educational Content:

The email shares educational content detailing “four reasons why you need your fire alarm system tested and inspected.” By educating recipients on why they need AFA’s services, they can nurture them and increase conversions.

2.) Includes Clear CTA:

The email uses a clear CTA that outlines why and how to contact AFA immediately for alarm system installations and/or inspections. It also handles objections by telling recipients that they can get a free quote, so they know there is no upfront cost and can gauge the price before making a decision.

3.) Creates Urgency:

In several places throughout the email, AFA informs recipients that they can get into legal and financial jeopardy if they don’t have a properly working fire alarm system. By creating urgency, they add pressure on recipients to reach out.

SaaS Newsletter Email Campaign — Reflectly

SaaS Newsletter Email Campaign — Reflectly

Company & Email Background

Reflectly sends out a weekly newsletter that instructs customers on how to use their app. Each lesson focuses on one aspect of mental health, all with the goal of helping users become happier and healthier.

Why The Email Works

1.) Uses Aspirational Images:

The email includes aspirational image that show the product in use. The images demonstrate how easy the product is to use with the new finger-loop. It also shows someone using the product to clean themselves, which helps customers envision using the product.

2.) Uses Benefit-Driven Copy & Images:

The images work with the copy to communicate the benefits of the new product. The copy promotes four benefits:

  • The product is easy to hold.
  • It gently buffs away dead skin.
  • It’s durable, clean, and won’t need to be replaced for about 6 months.
  • It’s recyclable and eco-friendly.

By demonstrating the major selling points of the product, the email creates a strong pitch that can influence customers to upgrade to the new design.

3.) Uses A Zig-Zag Layout:

The email uses a zig-zag layout to draw readers down the email so they focus on each image and benefit.

eCommerce Newsletter Email Campaign — Vitamedica

eCommerce Newsletter Email Campaign — VitamedicaCompany & Email Background

Vitamedica’s newsletter promotes their products to subscribers. Sometimes they’ll share multiple products that are related by a theme (anti-aging products, skin-care products, etc.). Sometimes, as in the case of the email above, they’ll promote just one product so they can really emphasize the benefits.

Why The Email Works

1.) Uses Aspirational Images:

The email includes aspirational image that show the product in use. The images demonstrate how easy the product is to use with the new finger-loop. It also shows someone using the product to clean themselves, which helps customers envision using the product.

2.) Uses Benefit-Driven Copy & Images:

The images work with the copy to communicate the benefits of the new product. The copy promotes four benefits:

  • The product is easy to hold.
  • It gently buffs away dead skin.
  • It’s durable, clean, and won’t need to be replaced for about 6 months.
  • It’s recyclable and eco-friendly.

By demonstrating the major selling points of the product, the email creates a strong pitch that can influence customers to upgrade to the new design.

3.) Uses A Zig-Zag Layout:

The email uses a zig-zag layout to draw readers down the email so they focus on each image and benefit.

eCommerce Newsletter Email Campaign — Orivet

eCommerce Newsletter Email Campaign — Orivet

Company & Email Background

Orivet sells DNA testing kits for dogs, cats, and other animals. The email above is one of the regular newsletters they send out to subscribers.

Why The Email Works

1.) Customer Story:

The email begins by sharing an image and story of one of the dogs that Orivet’s products have helped. By doing so, it creates an emotional connection with recipient’s and demonstrates that Orivet products work.

2.) Product Promotions:

The email promotes several of Orivet’s products. In doing so, they can influence some subscribers to make an impulse purchase.

3.) Customer Testimonial:

The email includes a testimonial from an Orivet customer. Like the customer story at the top, this also builds an emotional connection and demonstrates the value of Orivet products. It also provides more social proof.

Email Marketing Examples of Promotional Emails

For the purposes of this list, we define promotional emails as emails that strictly promote products or services. 

Promotional emails differ from holiday emails and sale emails in one critical way: they’re just a straight pitch for your product(s) or service(s). Every business must be able to craft a strong pitch and generate sales without the help of gimmicks or discounts (especially service-businesses, which generally don’t offer discounts). And if you can get good at doing so, you can boost revenue without eating into your profit margin.

Comparison Email — BOIE

Comparison Email — BOIE

Company & Email Background

Comparing your product to alternatives is a great way to demonstrate its superiority and generate sales. The email above shows how BOIE’s face scrubber is better than other products.

Why The Email Works

1.) Simplicity:

The email keeps things simple in order to focus subscribers’ attention entirely on the comparison.

2.) Uses Mirrored Copy:

The email compares the two products along five factors. It uses a similar structure for each point in order to drive home how BOIE’s face scrubber is:

  • Easier to keep clean
  • More hygienic
  • Recyclable and eco-friendly
  • Gentle
  • Cost-effective

Product Promo Email — Grin

Product Promo Email — Grin

Company & Email Background

Grin sells eco-friendly oral care equipment made on healthy, natural ingredients. The email above promotes several of their products using effective pitches that highlight product features.

Why The Email Works

1.) Highlights Product Features:

The pitch for each product highlights the features that make the product more effective and selling points that convince customers to buy. For the featured product (toothpaste), the email highlights the key ingredient — hydroxyapatite — and how it works to remineralise and restore teeth. For the Cleaner & Toothbrush set, the email highlights how sensitive the products are and how well they clean your teeth/mouth.

2.) Uses Brand-Building, Emotional Incentive:

The email includes a CTA at the bottom that tells shoppers that they can save 15% if they donate $2 to Ukraine. This incentivizes purchases by offering shoppers the chance to access savings and help a good cause, while also boosting Grin’s brand as a company that cares about world events. 

Loyalty Program Promo — Orivet

Loyalty Program Promo — Orivet

Company & Email Background

Orivet sells DNA testing kits for dogs, cats, and other animals. In addition to promoting some of their products, the email above promotes their customer loyalty program.

Why The Email Works

1.) Shares A Featured Product:

The email includes a “Product Of The Month” featured at the very top — their Extensive Colour & Coat Panel. By placing special attention on one product, Orivet can control the recipient’s focus and influence more sales.

2.) Sells The Benefits Of Their Loyalty Program:

The email shares the benefit of joining Orivet’s Loyalty Program — customers can earn points for every Orivet product they buy. The potential for reward will influence customers to buy even more, increasing overall purchases and average order value. It also builds brand-loyalty by showing that Orivet cares about their customers.

3.) Uses Objection Handlers & Added Benefits:

At the bottom of the email, we included four objection handlers and benefits of shopping with Orivet. If recipients have any questions, they can access Orivet’s live customer service. They also get acces to online tools and discounts. By promoting all the benefits of shopping with Orivet and addressing objections, the email influences more purchases.

Customer Testimonial Email — Steinel Ammunition

Customer Testimonial Email — Steinel Ammunition

Company & Email Background

The Promotional Email above focuses entirely on using social proof to promote Steinel Ammunition’s high-quality bullets. It includes just two simple elements: customer testimonials and product images.

Why The Email Works

1.) Uses Well-Selected Reviews:

The three reviews shared in the email are great for converting customers. Each speaks to the quality of Steinel’s bullets. The first review describes how Steinel’s bullets are better than competitor’s. The second describes how good the bullets feel when fired. And the third describes Steinel’s great customer service and affordable prices.

2.) Uses Attractive Product Images:

The email uses attractive product images to help customers visualize the bullets Steinel is promoting and convince them to make a purchase. Each image is placed directly above a CTA so customers can act on the impulse.

3.) Stacked Layout:

The email uses a stacked layout so email recipients can focus on each review one at a time. And the text/reviews are large enough that customers won’t have trouble reading them.

Email Marketing Examples of Holiday Emails

For eCommerce companies and many SaaS businesses, holiday email marketing is in the top three in terms of profitability — particularly for shopping-heavy holidays like Christmas and Black Friday. For example, the average eCommerce/retail business generates roughly 25% of annual sales in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

But every holiday provides an excuse for customers to finally buy the product(s) they’ve been eyeing. So if you can get good at holiday emails, you can dramatically increase revenue. We were able to increase holiday revenue by 770% for BOIE.

The keys to effective holiday emails include:

1.) Use Holiday Themes:

Your email should use images and copy that are relevant to the holiday at hand. Doing so makes your emails more fun, engaging, and effective.

2.) Keep The Focus On The Customer:

Don’t let the holiday distract you from the fundamentals of great marketing. Your emails should focus on how your products can help customers achieve their goals.

3.) Use Incentives:

Incentives always sweeten the deal. But shoppers have come to expect discounts on holidays. So include a discount and make it enticing.

4.) Handle Objections:

Like other promotional emails, you should address any potential objections that may prevent customers from converting.

Christmas Email Campaign Example — Falcon Strike


Company & Email Background

Falcon Strike sells hydraulic recoil reduction systems that helps sports shooters shoot with better aim.

Why The Email Works

1.) Shares Critical Info Above The Fold:

The email shares the most important info above the fold:

  • The suggestion that Falcon Strike products are “the perfect gift for the sports shooter in your life.”
  • The amount of the Christmas Sale discount.
  • The discount code necessary to access the discount.

2.) Shares Product Suggestions:

The email includes five suggestions of popular Falcon Strike products that recipients may be interested in. Each product also displays the regular price and the price when the discount is applied. By including product suggestions, the email can direct recipients on what to buy and increase sales.

3.) Outlines Product Benefits:

The email outlines and quantifies the benefits of Falcon Strike’s products. It tells recipients exactly what they can expect and how the products can improve their shooting — which makes recipients want to buy them more.

4.) Uses Credibility Indicators:

The email promotes the fact that Falcon Strike products have been featured in three popular, authoritative gun enthusiast publications. This adds credibility to their brand and products.

Halloween Email Campaign Example — BOIE

Halloween Email Campaign Example — BOIE

Company & Email Backgr

Some holidays, like Halloween, don’t necessarily inspire people to shop. But businesses can still generate sales by giving shoppers a good excuse to buy and creating fun holiday emails that entertain and promote their products. The BOIE Halloween email above uses themed copy to accomplish this: 

Why The Email Works

1.) Uses Themed, Benefit-Driven Copy:

While the email focuses on the benefits of BOIE’s products, it uses themed copy to communicate those benefits in a fun and engaging way. The benefits include the product’s exceptional hygiene, gentle exfoliation, and more. But each benefit is described using Halloween-based themes (i.e., Dracula, slime, etc.).

2.) Uses Themed Images:

The email includes only images of black BOIE products in keeping with the Halloween theme.

3.) Uses Zig-Zag & Single-Column Layout:

The email combines a zig-zag layout and single-column layout to draw subscribers down the email and focus on certain products/email elements.

4.) Uses Incentives

The email incentivizes subscribers by sharing a 10% discount code. Shoppers may not have been thinking about buying grooming products on Halloween, but the discount may tempt them enough to take advantage of the opportunity.

Cyber Monday Email Campaign Example — BOIE

Cyber Monday Email Campaign Example — BOIE

Company & Email Background

The email above promotes BOIE’s Cyber Monday campaign. It’s simple and focuses on the sale and creating urgency.

Why The Email Works

1.) Uses Aspirational Images:

The email includes aspirational image that show the product in use. The images demonstrate how easy the product is to use with the new finger-loop. It also shows someone using the product to clean themselves, which helps customers envision using the product.

2.) Uses Benefit-Driven Copy & Images:

The images work with the copy to communicate the benefits of the new product. The copy promotes four benefits:

  • The product is easy to hold.
  • It gently buffs away dead skin.
  • It’s durable, clean, and won’t need to be replaced for about 6 months.
  • It’s recyclable and eco-friendly.

By demonstrating the major selling points of the product, the email creates a strong pitch that can influence customers to upgrade to the new design.

3.) Uses A Zig-Zag Layout:

The email uses a zig-zag layout to draw readers down the email so they focus on each image and benefit.

Father’s Day Email Campaign Example — Sit N’ Sleep

Father's Day Email Campaign Example — Sit N' Sleep

Company & Email Background

The Sit N’ Sleep email above promotes their Father’s Day sale. It includes an image of the father and son who own the business, in keeping with the holiday theme.

Why The Email Works

1.) Uses Aspirational Images:

The email includes aspirational image that show the product in use. The images demonstrate how easy the product is to use with the new finger-loop. It also shows someone using the product to clean themselves, which helps customers envision using the product.

2.) Uses Benefit-Driven Copy & Images:

The images work with the copy to communicate the benefits of the new product. The copy promotes four benefits:

  • The product is easy to hold.
  • It gently buffs away dead skin.
  • It’s durable, clean, and won’t need to be replaced for about 6 months.
  • It’s recyclable and eco-friendly.

By demonstrating the major selling points of the product, the email creates a strong pitch that can influence customers to upgrade to the new design.

3.) Uses A Zig-Zag Layout:

The email uses a zig-zag layout to draw readers down the email so they focus on each image and benefit.

Memorial Day Email Campaign Example — PK Grills

Memorial-Day-Email-Campaign-Example PK-Grills.jpg...-min

Company & Email Background

PK Grills is an eCommerce store that sells charcoal grills and smokers. The email above uses credibility and objection handlers to promote their Memorial Day sale.

Why The Email Works

1.) Establishes Credibility:

The email immediately establishes credibility by promoting the fact that PK Grills has been around for 70 years. Recipients will assume that, if they’ve been around that long, their products must be good.

2.) Discount & Product Suggestions:

The email tells recipients they can save up to $100 on Memorial Day purchases. It then shares several products suggestions along with the amended prices. By showing recipients what they can get and how much they can save, the email influences purchases.

3.) Objection Handlers:

The email handles objections by informing recipients that they can get free shipping on orders over $100 and that their purchases come with a 20 year warranty.

Email Marketing Examples of Sale Promo Emails

A Sale Promo email is like a holiday email minus the holiday. The primary purpose is to promote a sale that you’re having to incentivize purchases.

To create effective sales emails, you should:

1.) Make The Sale The Centerpiece:

You need to make certain that shoppers are aware of the amount of the discount you’re offering and any important information about the sale — i.e., when it takes place, any rules regarding access to the discount (for example, if they need to spend $100+ to get access to the discount), etc. This information should be placed at the top or center of your email in a web safe fonts that’s large enough for subscribers to see.

2.) Use Design Effectively:

You need to design the email so that it calls attention to both the sale and your products. Using dynamic content — i.e. content blocks that change depending upon the subscriber’s info — that promotes products that each subscriber is most likely to be interested in is also a good idea..

London Store

London-Store (1)..

Company & Email Background

London Store is an Italian-based clothing company that sells apparel online in Italy, the U.S., and the E.U. The email above promotes their Winter Sale using urgency and imagery to influence purchases. 

Why The Email Works

1.) Creates Urgency Above The Fold:

The email places the most important information above the fold. It informs recipients that London Store is having a 10% off sale, provides the discount code necessary to access it, and includes a countdown timer for when the discount expires to create urgency.

2.) Uses Stylish Imagery:

The email includes high-quality images of the London Store brands to make the apparel more attractive. The images communicate a style that recipients will want to possess, which can influence them to make a purchase.



Company & Email Background

Selen Bio is a biotechnology company that sells technology that inhibits bacterial formation for customers in the dental, healthcare, industrial industries, as well as for consumer applications. The email above promotes their sale for 15% off of purchases

Why The Email Works

1.) Uses Content Hierarchy Principles:

The email draws attention to the discount by writing the discount amount in large font and using a box to outline the discount code.

2.) Relevant Product Suggestions:

The email shares two product suggestions to give recipients ideas about what to buy. The email was sent to consumers, so it includes products with consumer applications. By sharing relevant products, the email can influence more purchases.



Company & Email Background

The email above promotes SixThreeZero’s $20 off sale. It uses aspirational images and educational content to convert subscribers.

Why The Email Works

1.) Uses Aspirational Images:

The email includes aspirational image that show the product in use. The images demonstrate how easy the product is to use with the new finger-loop. It also shows someone using the product to clean themselves, which helps customers envision using the product.

2.) Uses Benefit-Driven Copy & Images:

The images work with the copy to communicate the benefits of the new product. The copy promotes four benefits:

  • The product is easy to hold.
  • It gently buffs away dead skin.
  • It’s durable, clean, and won’t need to be replaced for about 6 months.
  • It’s recyclable and eco-friendly.

By demonstrating the major selling points of the product, the email creates a strong pitch that can influence customers to upgrade to the new design.

3.) Uses A Zig-Zag Layout:

The email uses a zig-zag layout to draw readers down the email so they focus on each image and benefit.



Company & Email Background

The Vitamedica email above promotes their Anniversary sale. It uses a zig-zag layout and customer reviews to communicate the benefits of each product.

Why The Email Works

1.) Uses Aspirational Images:

The email includes aspirational image that show the product in use. The images demonstrate how easy the product is to use with the new finger-loop. It also shows someone using the product to clean themselves, which helps customers envision using the product.

2.) Uses Benefit-Driven Copy & Images:

The images work with the copy to communicate the benefits of the new product. The copy promotes four benefits:

  • The product is easy to hold.
  • It gently buffs away dead skin.
  • It’s durable, clean, and won’t need to be replaced for about 6 months.
  • It’s recyclable and eco-friendly

By demonstrating the major selling points of the product, the email creates a strong pitch that can influence customers to upgrade to the new design.

3.) Uses A Zig-Zag Layout:

The email uses a zig-zag layout to draw readers down the email so they focus on each image and benefit.


About Author

Chris Donald

Chris sent his first email campaign in 1995. He’s worked directly with Fortune 500 companies, retail giants, nonprofits, SMBs and government agencies in all facets of their email marketing and marketing automation programs. He’s also a BIG baseball fan, loves a good steak, and is mildly obsessed with zombie movies. For more information follow him on linkedin LinkedIn Icon

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