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Scott Cohen

Chief Executive Officer


InboxArmy LLC


Email Marketing
Lifecycle Marketing
SMS Marketing
Retention Marketing
Multi-Channel Marketing


Winner of the ANA Email Experience Council’s 2021 Stefan Pollard Email Marketer of the Year Award, Scott Cohen is a proven email marketing veteran with nearly 20 years of experience as both a brand-side marketer and an email marketing agency executive. He brings to our clients a unique blend of experience building and managing larger CRM and retention teams, sending millions of emails and SMS per week, and award-winning copywriting chops.


What Is Growth Marketing (8 Examples + 8 Strategies)

Smart marketers don’t launch campaigns just to acquire new customers. Instead, they take a strategy-based, holistic approach to marketing designed to enhance overall business growth. You might know this as Growth Marketing. Growth marketing is a dynamic mindset that is revolutionizing how marketing leaders are approaching acquisition, customer retention, and yes, sustainable growth. In this […]

Cross-Channel Marketing: Tips + Examples to Drive Your Strategy

I’ve said for years that, at a minimum, know what your customers have done with you. When customers are thrown off balance by different brand experiences in different channels, it can lead to frustration and diminish brand love.

25 Valentine’s Day Email Marketing Examples & Tips

Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romantic love. It’s a celebration of connections, emotions, and, in the marketing world, an excellent chance to connect with your audience on a more personal level. As Valentine’s Day approaches, marketers have a unique opportunity to channel their creative energies into crafting heartwarming and compelling email campaigns. Whether you’re a […]

10 AI Email Marketing Tools You Must Try

With the rapid advancements in machine learning and data analytics, AI has become a crucial component for marketing professionals to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their email campaigns. Email marketing continues to be one of the top marketing channels, with 51% of marketers claiming it is their most effective channel. With AI’s capabilities and […]

Lifecycle Marketing: Everything You Need To Know

The term “lifecycle marketing” is becoming more prevalent in the business world–especially for the email marketers and CRM marketing professionals within these organizations. Personally, I love that this is happening.

AI Email Marketing – What to Expect from the Next Big Tech Innovation

Artificial Intelligence–or “AI” as everyone really knows it–has impacted the workforce and economy in ways we are only beginning to fully understand. The use–and usefulness–of AI and AI tools in marketing and content creation remains a topic of debate

20 Best Retail Email Subject Lines 

In our fast-paced digital age, where inboxes are overflowing with messages, crafting the perfect email subject line has become a critical skill to capture the recipients’ attention. The subject line is arguably the most powerful part that distinguishes your email from being read or ending up in the dreaded abyss of unread emails.  In this […]

Email Marketing For Insurance Agents : Examples, Tips, & Strategy

Email marketing can connect insurance agents with potential clients and nurture existing relationships, paving the way for remarkable growth.