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Scott Cohen

Chief Executive Officer


InboxArmy LLC


Email Marketing
Lifecycle Marketing
SMS Marketing
Retention Marketing
Multi-Channel Marketing


Winner of the ANA Email Experience Council’s 2021 Stefan Pollard Email Marketer of the Year Award, Scott Cohen is a proven email marketing veteran with nearly 20 years of experience as both a brand-side marketer and an email marketing agency executive. He brings to our clients a unique blend of experience building and managing larger CRM and retention teams, sending millions of emails and SMS per week, and award-winning copywriting chops.


8 Customer Retention Strategies You Can Use to Help Grow Your Revenue

It can cost five times more to acquire a new customer than it is to retain an existing one, yet customer retention remains an underserved component of many marketing programs. Studies show that companies who employ effective customer retention programs

9 Welcome Email Examples To Get You Inspired

The welcome email is the most important email you send as email marketers. Why? Because it’s often the first email your new subscribers and customers receive from you. Attention and consumer intent are at their highest point in the beginning and it’s your responsibility to deliver a first and lasting impression. Whether it’s a single […]

Direct To Consumer (DTC) Marketing: A Detailed Guide

Launched into the stratosphere by the Covid pandemic, Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) products and their requisite marketing have become the norm in today’s business world. The game-changing approach of DTC and ecommerce has allowed companies to cut out the middleman of retail, connect directly with their customers, and skyrocket sales. Need some proof? MVMT, a DTC eyeglasses […]

Email Marketing Agency Pricing: The Comprehensive Guide

Email marketing is a powerhouse when it comes to reaching mass audiences and nurturing customer relationships. But executing effective campaigns requires more than just hitting “send” — it demands expertise and strategic finesse. That’s why many businesses partner with dedicated email marketing agencies. But how much does professional email marketing cost from an email marketing […]

Mother’s Day Email Examples to Create Engaging Campaigns

The second Sunday of May in Canada and the US, and the fourth Sunday of Lent in the UK, is Mother’s Day. The perfect occasion to honor and express gratitude to all mothers and even caregivers, it is one of the most important gift-giving holidays of the year! According to figures released by the National […]

7 Impactful Trigger Email Examples – InboxArmy

A Triggered email Campaign plays a vital role in maintaining relevance with and greasing the wheels of the journey for your customers. But what exactly are triggered emails? In this article, we’ll peel the layers of the onion that is triggered email marketing and provide you with both an understanding of their role and complexity […]

What Is Growth Marketing (8 Examples + 8 Strategies)

Smart marketers don’t launch campaigns just to acquire new customers. Instead, they take a strategy-based, holistic approach to marketing designed to enhance overall business growth. You might know this as Growth Marketing. Growth marketing is a dynamic mindset that is revolutionizing how marketing leaders are approaching acquisition, customer retention, and yes, sustainable growth. In this […]

Cross-Channel Marketing: Tips + Examples to Drive Your Strategy

I’ve said for years that, at a minimum, know what your customers have done with you. When customers are thrown off balance by different brand experiences in different channels, it can lead to frustration and diminish brand love.