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Garin Hobbs

Experienced Martech Expert


InboxArmy LLC

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Email Marketing
Lifecycle Marketing
SMS Marketing
Retention Marketing
Multi-Channel Marketing


Garin Hobbs is a seasoned Martech and Marketing professional with over 20 years of successful product marketing, customer success, strategy, and sales experience. With a career spanning across ESPs, agencies, and technology providers, Garin is recognized for his broad experience in growing email impact and revenue, helping launch new programs and products, and developing the strategies and thought leadership to support them.  Understanding how to optimally align people, process, and technology to produce meaningful outcomes, Garin has worked to deliver sustainable improvements in consumer experience and program revenue for such brands as Gap, Starbucks, Macy’s, Foot Locker, Bank of America, United Airlines, and Hilton Hotels.


Retailers need e-commerce to survive an economy in limbo

The economy is neither fully open, nor fully closed. We call this limbo.  In a close-up view, the world seems to be standing relatively  

Ask an Iterator: Garin Hobbs on Personalization

Personalization. You know you need to do it, but you just need to know how—in a way that’s both effective and efficient. The good

11 Customer experience related predictions for 2021

Last year I wrote that I don’t like prediction pieces. Then, I broke my own rule, and I compiled a series of predictions that had

DIGITAL DISRUPTORS: How Mobile Apps are Reshaping the Financial Sector

The advent of Mobile has created a radical shift in the financial industry. Standing out in the Fintech marketplace is becoming

Marketers Need to Rethink Strategies for Attracting Younger Generations

While younger generations were more digitally equipped to accommodate the demands of the pandemic, financially they’ve

First-Party and Zero-Party Data: The Path Forward

The last few years have imposed a lot of heavy acronyms imposed upon marketers. GDPR, CCPA, and IDFA to name a

How to Engage All Generations this Holiday

The end-of-year shopping season is always an important time for brands, but this year, the season has assumed a particularly

Retailers Embrace Mobile As Pandemic Holiday Shopping Ramps Up

As retailers prepare for the holidays and look for better ways to cater to customers’ new online and offline shopping habits, mobile

The Value of Personalized Marketing for Ecommerce

A well-executed personalized marketing program may resemble person-to-person conversations like those a shopper could

Brands Struggle to Strike the Right Tone This Holiday Season

It’s not even November, but the holiday shopping season has already begun. With nearly two-thirds of consumers saying the

Avoiding the High Costs of Shopping Cart Abandonment

Shopping cart abandonment costs brands billions of dollars each year, and yet much of it can be avoided through better customer

Transformation or Modernization: What Does Your Tech Stack Need?

Upgrades to technology doesn’t always have to mean a full digital transformation, sometimes modernization can get your

5 Steps to Building an Effective Growth Marketing Strategy

Growth Marketing. You may think that it’s one of those ever-present business buzzwords we always hear.  But unlike terms

3 Common Pitfalls of Segmentation and How to Avoid Them

When it comes to user segmentation—the first of the four core pillars of personalization—you can’t have a one-to-one conversation

How to Address Product Scarcity This Holiday Season

The end-of-year shopping season is always an important time for brands, but this year, the season has assumed a particularly

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Building a Holistic Customer Experience Strategy

Customer experience matters, in fact, many think it will surpass price and product as the main brand differentiator. Avoid these pitfalls.

Amazon Reports $5.2B in Net Income, Cruises Past Estimates

Amazon’s second-quarter earnings made one thing perfectly clear: If there was a king of retail for the coronavirus era, it would

Does Your Customer Experience Grow With Your Company?

Customer experiences that worked when your company was a small start-up won't necessarily scale as your organization grows.

Should Marketers Give Up On Personalization?

Now, this may seem a somewhat alarmist point of view, but what’s missing is the context, and I think it’s this…It’s a fairly

The Death of Personalization: Inevitable or Exaggerated?

2020: It wouldn’t be a new year without a passel of prophecies and things to come. Each industry has its fair share of oracles and

Email Marketing For Insurance Agents : Examples, Tips, & Strategy

Email marketing can connect insurance agents with potential clients and nurture existing relationships, paving the way for remarkable growth.

Email Marketing For Financial Services & Fintech Providers

In financial services, connecting with your target audience effectively is imperative. Enter email marketing – the powerhouse of client engagement. Why should email marketing be a cornerstone of your financial services business, and how can you harness

How to Use Email Marketing For Travel Agency

Travel marketing is all about reaching the right prospect at the right time. As the window for holiday plans and vacation intent can be short-lived, it is vital to capture the attention of potential customers right away.